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發布時間: 2021-02-12 20:07:47

『壹』 最近開始看美劇,看了《Hero》,《查莉的成長日記》覺得不錯,請資深美劇專家給小妹推薦一點~

最基本的 《生活大爆炸》《 老友記》《 好漢兩個半》 都是喜劇經典 其中最短的也有7季了

『貳』 看過 查莉成長日記 的請進!!

同種類型的有一個公司出品的漢娜 蒙塔納 也是蠻輕松的青春劇
成長的煩惱應該是此類最經典的了 強烈推薦 個人非常喜歡!!
喜劇類比較火的 生活大爆炸 也是很好的 總共六季 希望喜歡
。。第一次回答問題 希望滿意

『叄』 查理的成長日記 80字英語觀後感

『肆』 美劇《查莉成長日記》中有哪些讓你捧腹大笑的情景


『伍』 查理成長日記100字英文觀後感

may be said to us,旺卡先生把一座巧克力工廠送給查理叫他和自己獨行, Salt was sent to scrap furnace。第三位是爵口香糖冠軍維奧莉特;.主要內容. Wonka',變成了微小粒子, but to stay with family, one family eating and drinking is not full of cabbage soup, actually in the heart very guilty,粘滿了有關旺卡先生的糖果廠的事情:小查理和一家人生活在一個小房子里, second is a spoiled little girl family Viruka Salt:「對不起」星期天, Mr。是啊,維奧莉特變成藍莓糖果,只是我們沒有發現罷了,我在網上看了一部電影《查理和巧克力工廠》我覺得有點搞笑。我覺得查理一句話說得很好。而查理得到一座巧克力工廠. Wonka got close relatives. After seeing this movie, to buy a piece of chocolate, a little touching,因為旺卡先生的父親是一位牙醫. Charlie got a chocolate factory. The first is like Augustus puyinpusi, father work in toothpaste factory, let us not be sad and happy,我覺得很感動,維魯卡·索爾特被送進廢品爐,和親人在一起. The last one is Mike,而查理也接受了巧克力工廠. Wonka father wall. Search a chocolate factory in the town of central, five children went to the chocolate factory,爸爸在牙膏廠上班, Mr,再苦也是甜的, went to the family!盡管和我們爭論過後. Wonka had five pieces of gold hidden inside each of the five packet of chocolate, to comfort us, encourage us,換做別人早就同意, and Charlie also accepted the chocolate factory, never let Mr;s father is a dentist,但很幸福,工作很辛苦,而薪水很少, into small particles, but the smell of the rich chocolate, Augustus fell into the river Violet a chocolate, after a while I always regret it up just right. A though bitter, again bitter is sweet, because Mr, Mike got into the TV. Wonka had a chocolate factory to Charlie and asked him to walk alone,一家人每天吃喝不飽的甘藍湯,結果奧古斯塔斯掉進巧克力河裡;m sorry"。事情是這樣的。一家雖然苦,安慰我們. The family is loving us, sad! Sad when family wiI',鼓勵我們。在小鎮的中央有搜索座巧克力工廠。後來查理又幫助旺卡先生和他的父親的誤會解開. But Mr: ",也可以去看看,工廠門十五年沒開過, Charlie didn',而是要和家人在一起。而且旺卡先生和父親爭吵要開一家糖工廠。首先是喜歡暴飲暴食的奧古斯塔斯。Sunday,旺卡先生做了五張金獎卷藏在五包巧克力里。
這部電影對我啟發很大,讓我們不再傷心而很開心,而小查理機會很少!傷心時家人會為我們分擔痛苦, if interested, work very hard. Yeah. WCharlie and the Chocolate Factory",第二位是被家人寵壞的小女孩維魯卡·索爾特! And although we after the debate. Charlie later helped Mr, blueberry candy, the factory door not open for fifteen years: little Charlie and one family lived in a small house,五個孩子去了巧克力工廠。最後一位是邁克。而小查理在雪地里撿到一張紙幣. Wonka candy. This movie is a great inspiration to me。親人是愛我們的,去買了一塊巧克力, candy factory thing sticky about Mr,結果金獎卷在裡面;t agree, Mr, do others would agree, but very happy. And check the barber now Mr,邁克鑽進了電視, but a small salary,傷心時。
看完這部電影. While little Charlie found a note in the snow, because he was only a piece of chocolate, can go to have a look, the gold medal rolls on the inside,查理沒答應,如果有興趣,但卻聞的到濃郁的巧克力味。親人總是表面對我們壞。而查理發現在旺卡先生父親的牆上. The surface of our loved ones are always bad,就去找家人,過一陣總會後悔起來我剛才對不對。M I feel a bit funny on the Internet,其實心裡很內疚的. The third grand champion Violet is chewing gum。結果很美好, and loved ones together,旺卡先生得到了親人,從小就不讓旺卡先生吃糖, while little Charlie little chance, I feel very touched. The result is very good. Wonka and his father misunderstanding untie. Wonka and quarrel father to open a sugar factory. I think Charlie is a very good, but we did not find. The thing is, I watched a movie ",也許會對我們說,因為他每年只有一塊巧克力,有點感人

『陸』 查莉成長日記


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