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發布時間: 2021-02-14 14:00:16

1. 異形部的 影評


2. 異形的影片評價

在它最基本的層面上,《異形》是一部關於能從黑暗裡跳出來殺人的東西的電影。它同《大白鯊》里的鯊魚,《萬聖節》里的邁克爾·邁耶斯(Michael Myers),以及其他各種各樣的蜘蛛,蛇,狼蛛,和潛行怪有著親戚關系。它最明顯的影響則是霍華德·霍克斯(Howard Hawks)的《怪人》(1951)——《怪人》同樣也是講述一個隊伍在與世隔絕的前哨站中發現了一個處於長期休眠中的外星人,把它帶了進來,然後便開始被游盪在迴廊間的它一個一個殺掉的。看一下這部電影,你就會看到胚胎中的《異形》。
這個故事的現代翻拍版肯定會一路直沖到異形跳到船員身上的那一部分。現在的濫砍電影(slasher movie)——科幻也好其他類型也好——都只有高潮而沒有發展。想想《德州電鋸殺人狂》的那部令人惡心的翻拍,它從觀眾那裡騙走了解釋,騙走了對電鋸家族的介紹,甚至連一個真正的結局也騙走了。我們所享受的並不是猛烈地砍殺;我們享受的是對砍殺的等待。
《異形》使用了一種相當狡猾的方法來使異形在整部影片中都保持新鮮感:影片讓異形的天性和外表不斷地處於進化中,導致我們怎樣也不能了解它究竟長什麼樣子和能做什麼。一開始,我們假定那些蛋會孵出類人的生物,因為那正是遠古的外星飛船中駕駛員的樣子。當然了,我們連駕駛員與他的貨物蛋究竟是不是同一種族的都不知道。有可能他也是將他們看做武器的也說不定。我們第一次好好地看到異形,是它從可憐的Kane(約翰·赫特John Hurt飾)體內破膛而出時。毫無疑問,它具有男性生殖器式的形狀,同時評論家Tim Dirks還提到了它那「張開的,淌著口水的陰道似的嘴」。
的確是這樣。然而之後,當我們在一系列的襲擊中瞥到它時,它已經一點都不再具有這樣的形狀了;相反,它看起來像是八足動物,爬蟲類,和蛛網狀的。接下來它泄露出了另一個秘密;它身體中淌出的液體實際上是一種「萬能溶劑」。接下來便有一組既令人恐懼又令人愉悅的場景:我們看到它一層一層的吃破飛船的甲板。正如幾部續集將會過度地證明的,異形實際上可以是故事需要的任何一種怪物。正因為它不依靠任何外表或是行為的規則行動,它便成為了一種不定形的恐懼,如同形狀萬變的邪惡幽靈般游盪在飛船內。科學官Ash(伊安·霍姆Ian Holm飾)把它稱作一個「完美的有機體。它結構上的完美只能由它的敵意比肩。」他還承認:「我欽佩它的純潔,它的生存感;不由良心,悔恨,或是道德的假象所阻礙。」
其他的演員們的一個共同特性是他們其中沒有誰特別的年輕。船長Tom Skerritt當時46歲,赫特當時39但是看起來要更老一些,霍姆當時48,Harry Dean Stanton當時53,Yaphet Kotto當時42,只有29歲的Veronica Cartwright和30歲的韋弗在一般驚悚片的卡司年齡范圍之內。最近的許多動作電影都用年輕的不切實際的演員來擔當主要角色和搭檔,然而通過選擇老一些的卡司,《異形》不用刻意就達到了某種質地:這些人不是冒險家而是職員,受雇於一家公司來將兩千萬噸礦石運回地球。(飛船的巨大尺寸在DVD當中的一個刪減鏡頭中有所體現;鏡頭整整花了一分鍾來呈現飛船飛過的場景。)
Dan O』Bannon的劇本——改編自他和RonaldShusett一同創作的故事——讓這些角色能夠以他們各自獨有的聲音說話。Brett和Parker(Kotto和Stanton飾演)在引擎室工作,他們抱怨著延遲,擔心著他們的分紅。然而來聽聽Ash是怎麼說的:「事實上我還在核對,然而我已經確認了他有一層由多糖蛋白質所組成的外殼。他有個挺有趣的習慣;他會退掉一些細胞,然後以極化了的硅原子替代它們。正是這個習慣加強了他對於惡劣環境的抵抗力。」然後當然我們還有雷普利那種直達底線的方式。
結果便是這樣的一部電影:在它把我們帶入一次冒險之前,它就已經將我們吸引在了一個任務中;同時它始終如一的以好奇和邏輯來對待異形,而不僅僅是朝它開火。將這部電影拿來與日後的太空歌劇,諸如《絕世天劫》(Armageddon),來對比一下;《絕世天劫》的鏡頭平均長度僅僅只有幾秒長,它的台詞也都被縮減到簡短的陳述句,像電報一樣敘述著劇情。《異形》的大部分功勞應該歸於導演雷德利·斯科特。在這之前,他只創作了一部長片,那部聰明,優雅的《決斗的人》(1977)(The Duelists)。他的下一部影片將會是另一部充滿智慧和夢想的科幻史詩,《銀翼殺手》(1982)(Blade Runner)。
盡管他的職業生涯中也有一些不可理喻的爛渣(《情人保鏢》Someone to Watch Over Me),他的生涯中也包括了《末路狂花》(Thelma& Louise),《魔鬼女大兵》(G.I. Jane),《角鬥士》(Gladiator)(我不怎麼喜歡,但觀眾們不是這樣),《黑鷹墜落》(Black Hawk Down),和《火柴人》(Matchstick Men)。這都是些同時滿足商業和智慧要求的作品,製作它們的是一位想要吸引大面積的觀眾,卻又不願意侮辱他們的導演。
《異形》被稱作是現代動作片中最具有影響力的。它也的確如此,盡管《萬聖節》也應該與它排在一起。不幸的是,被《異形》所影響到的影片都只學到了它的驚悚,而沒能學到它的思考。我們現在已經陷入了「嚇到你了!」式電影的泥潭中,(我們所能看到的也就是)各式各樣的恐怖怪獸跳到一系列受害者(通常是青少年)身上。這種模式的終極延伸便是所謂的野人電影(Geek Movie)[4]。就像《德州電鋸殺人狂》的翻拍版一樣,本質上,這類電影將觀眾置於了古時候狂歡節中的野人秀的考驗之中:現在你已經付了錢,那麼你能不能在我們惡心你的同時保持雙眼睜開呢?(當然)幾部相當具有野心的嚴肅的科幻電影也追隨了《異形》的腳步,最顯著的是那部製作精良的《異形2》(Aliens)(1986)以及《極光追殺令》(Dark City)(1998)。然而,原作始終以它強烈的黑暗與恐怖震撼著我們。
最大的系列的所有時間中的一個的開始。這部電影將永遠是一個經典之作。這是可怕的,有影響力和瘋狂的娛樂性。不僅如此,但雷德利·斯科特實際上有風格和情緒有很大意義,他用了很多戲劇,讓我們發抖。還有周圍,我們知道幾乎一無所知的外國人一個有趣的謎。西格妮·韋弗是一樣強大像往常一樣,真正帶來力量的膜;他們做一個。最後但並非最不重要的,樂譜。 哇! 這是夢幻般的。我認為外星人系列而聞名的方面。讓我們希望他們會繼續,我們需要它的所有的DVD系列和黨!

3. 急,Alien 《異形》電影英語介紹或英文影評

While returning from a deep-space mission, the crew of the commercial spaceship Nostromo is awakened by a supposed SOS call from a system they are passing through. Descending to the planet's surface, they discover a strange derelict spaceship - the apparent source of the transmission - and one of the crew descends into the hold. What he finds are thousands of strange alien eggs. While examining one of the eggs, it hatches and the parasite inside attacks him. After returning to the Nostromo the crew takes off again to head for Earth. The alien parasite subsequently dies and all seems well again. But what no one knows is that another alien is quietly forming within its host - and when it emerges, the crew finds itself in serious trouble.
In "Alien" we follow a seven man crew en-route to earth on board the huge space freighter "Nostromo". The crew is in cryosleep, but the on board computer interrupts the journey when a foreign radio signal is picked up. It originates from an uninhabited planet and the crew lands to investigate. There they make contact with an alien life-form...

What makes Alien so great is the constant feel of uneasiness. Right from the beginning you have a feeling that something is wrong. The crew is not particularly friendly towards each other, and you truly feel all the in-group tension. The ship itself is a huge worn out instrial-style maze of halls and corridors, and it feels more like a prison than a place to live. It is as if not only the alien but also the ship itself is against the humans. The Alien itself is the scariest monster in history because it is a ruthless, soul-less parasite completely devoid of any human or civilized traits. The design of the monster is a stroke of genius. Sure it has a humanoid form, but it has no facial traits or anything else which could give away emotions or intentions. Its actions reveals no weaknesses nor civilized intelligence. The Alien is more or less the opposite of everything human and civilized, plus the creature is more well-adapted to the inhumane interior of the ship than the humans who build it. To sum up, you then have a setting where the humans are caught in a web of in-group tensions, an inhospitable ship and the perfect killer which thrives in the ships intestines. You almost get the feel that the humans are the ones who are alienated to each other and to their own ship.

Ridley Scott tells the story with a perfectly synchronized blend of visuals and sounds.

The actors do a superb job, portraying their characters in a subtle but very realistic way. The seven man crew is not a bunch of Hollywood heroes. They are ordinary people with strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. In this way they all seem so fragile when confronted with the enemy.

As mentioned the ship is very claustrophobic and Ridley Scott adds to the eeriness by using camera movement, lights and shadows in an effective way. The living quarters are bright and should be comfortable to the crew, but there is something sterile about it all. The rest of the ship is basically a huge basement.

The music by Jerry Goldsmith underlines the eeriness so well, and the movie wouldn't have worked without his score. Combined with the sounds of the ship it all adds to the uneasiness.

This is not a story about heroic people who boldly teams up against evil. It's a story about ordinary people facing true fear, which is the fear without a face. The fear we can't understand and can't negotiate with, because its only goal is to survive on the expense of us. It's a story where some people bravely fight back whilst others are destroyed by the terror. It's a story where people a killed in a completely random way. There is no higher-order justice behind who gets to live and who dies. All seven characters are just part of a race where the fittest - not necessarily the most righteous - will prevail, and all seven characters start the race on an equal footing. None of them are true heroes, and none of them are true villains.

All the above makes Alien so great as a horror movie. The terror isn't just the Alien itself, it's the entire atmosphere which gets so effectively under your skin, that you just can't shrug it off after the end credits like you can with so many other Hollywood horror movies. The title "Alien" doesn't just refer to the monster, it is the theme of the movie and it is the feeling you have ring and after the movie.

4. 影評《異形魔怪5:血脈》:有你想說的那句話嗎


5. 《異形》:普羅米修斯的劇情問題有什麼

《異形》:普羅米修斯的劇情問題是:2千年前 工程師准備搭載試驗品去地球毀滅人類,但是因為操作疏忽造成病毒外泄,導致感染,(可以從人類帶回那個頭看出,感染了病毒,而且最後爆了)最後只有沉睡的那個工程師逃過一劫,但計劃也因此延遲了2千年 直到機器人喚醒工程師。

6. 異形契約豆瓣影評 電影詳細圖解劇情介紹 異形恐怖嗎


7. 求電影《異形》的影評

ALIEN 1979received mixed reviews when it debuted in 1979--largely from science fiction critics, who accused it of being little more than a sort of Friday the 13th in Outer Space, a blood-and-gore horror flick given a futuristic twist via special effects. But while these accusations have more than a little truth, it has been an incredibly influential film--and even today, in the wake of CGI effects, it still holds up extremely, extremely well.

The story is well known: the crew of an interstellar craft responds to what seems a distress signal, only to encounter a remarkably lethal alien life form that boards their ship and sets about picking them off one by one. Some of the special effects are weak (the alien spacecraft and the android "revival" are fairly notorious). There is little in the way of character development, the film has a fairly slow pace, and the story itself is predictable; you can usually guess who is going to die next.

BUT. The art designs are incredible: the entire look of the film, from the commercial nature of the spacecraft to the iconographic alien itself (brilliantly envisioned by Giger) is right on the money. Director Ridley Scott encouraged his cast to ad lib from the script, and the result is a shocking sense of realism--and the somewhat slow pace of the film and the predictability of the story gives it a sense of relentless and ever-mounting paranoia that is greatly enhanced by the tight sets and camera set-ups. With its odd mixture of womb-like organics and cold mechanics, ALIEN is a film calculated to send even the most slightly claustrophobic viewer into a fit of hysteria.

The entire cast, led by Tom Skerrit and Sigorney Weaver, is very, very good--and the film abounds with memorable images and scenes ranging from John Hurt's encounter with the alien egg to Skerrit's search of the ship air cts to Weaver's terrifying race against time as the ship counts down to self-destruct. Seldom has any film been so consistent in design, cast, direction, and out-and-out fear factor, and although certain aspects of ALIEN are open to legitimate criticism the end result is powerful enough to bring it in at a full five stars. A word of warning, however: you'll need to send the kids to bed for this one. And you'll probably be up half the night afterward yourself! Recommended.

Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer

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