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good god;good heavens;good lord;good gracious更多釋義>>
好傢伙版Goodfellas;Good Guy;The Good Guys
④ 小鬼當家英文觀後感
`Home Alone" is a splendid movie title because it evokes all sorts of scary nostalgia. Being left home alone, when you were a kid, meant hearing strange noises and being afraid to look in the basement - but it also meant doing all the things that grownups would tell you to stop doing, if they were there. Things like staying up to watch Johnny Carson, eating all the ice cream, and sleeping in your parents' bed.
"Home Alone" is about an 8-year-old hero who does all of those things, but unfortunately he also single-handedly stymies two house burglars by booby-trapping the house. And they're the kinds of traps that any 8-year-old could devise, if he had a budget of tens of thousands of dollars and the assistance of a crew of movie special effects people.
The movie's screenplay is by John Hughes, who sometimes shows a genius for remembering what it was like to be young. His best movies, such as "Sixteen Candles," "Breakfast Club," "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "Planes, Trains and Automobiles," find a way to be funny while still staying somewhere within the boundaries of remote plausibility. This time, he strays so far from his premise that the movie suffers.
If "Home Alone" had limited itself to the things that might possibly happen to a forgotten 8-year-old, I think I would have liked it more. What I didn't enjoy was the subplot involving the burglars (Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern), who are immediately spotted by little Kevin (Macaulay Culkin), and made the targets of his cleverness.
The movie opens in the Chicago suburbs with a houseful of people on the eve of a big family Christmas vacation in Paris. There are relatives and kids everywhere, and when the family oversleeps and has to race to the airport, Kevin is somehow overlooked in the shuffle. When he wakes up later that morning, the house is empty. So he makes the best of it.
A real kid would probably be more frightened than this movie character, and would probably cry. He might also try calling someone, or asking a neighbor for help. But in the contrived world of this movie, the only neighbor is an old coot who is rumored to be the Snow Shovel Murderer, and the phone doesn't work. When Kevin's parents discover they've forgotten him, they find it impossible to get anyone to follow through on their panicked calls - if anyone did so, the movie would be over.
The plot is so implausible that it makes it hard for us to really care about the plight of the kid. What works in the other direction, however, and almost carries the day, is the gifted performance by young Macaulay Culkin, as Kevin. Culkin is the little boy who co-starred with John Candy in "Uncle Buck," and here he has to carry almost the whole movie. He has lots of challenging acting scenes, and he's up to them. I'm sure he got lots of help from director Chris Columbus, but he's got the stuff to begin with. He's such a confident and gifted little actor that I'd like to see him in a story I could care more about.
"Home Alone" isn't that story. When the burglars invade Kevin's home, they find themselves running a gamut of booby traps so elaborate they could have been concocted by Rube Goldberg - or by the berserk father in "Last House on the Left." Because all plausibility is gone, we sit back, detached, to watch stunt men and special effects guys take over a movie that promised to be the kind of story audiences could identify with.
⑤ 急求小鬼當家第一部影評 英文版 字數在500字左右 非原創也行
I watched "Home Alone" today after many years and I still loved it and I still laughed, even though I had practically memorized the movie as a kid and still remembered it all. As a kid, I remember always wanting to get to the "cool" stuff when watching this movie, the parts about pulling pranks on the pizza man or booby-trapping the house. I'd fast-forward through much of the first half (even though I liked it). This time around, I had a new-found appreciation for the beginning half, where we get to see how an 8-year-old copes with waking up and discovering that his family has disappeared. I still LOVE the second half of the movie, but I saw the first half in a new light this time.
As an alt, one watches family movies to remember what it was like to be a kid, to remember the dreams of being grown-up and independent and the silly little fears of things in the basement. That's what the first half of the movie offers and it works for both kids and alts; kids relate to it and alts reminisce about it.
The second half is for the kids (and for the inner child). Sure, it's pretty outrageous to see an 8-year-old devise clever booby-traps that work like clockwork and are encountered in precisely the right order. Alts watch and say, "Man, this can never happen." But kids say, "Man! I wish I could do that!" It is, after all, one reason why we go to the movies: to see things that can only happen in the movies. As a kid, words could not describe how awesome it was to see an 8-year-old take on two alt burglars and pummel them (especially after one of the burglars had the nerve to say, "Kids are stupid"). It is a child's fantasy come true.
That is why this movie was so popular when it came out, why it stayed #1 at the box office for 12 straight weeks. It's also why every family movie from the 1990's tried (and failed) to imitate it. Kids love it because it's a dream come true and parents love it because it's a dream remembered.
By the way, parents, I should warn you that kids will want to try and imitate our little hero and, unless you want your house booby-trapped, I'd advise that you let them know not to do that. Also, there's one scene where our hero celebrates his new-found freedom by watching a gangster movie, where he sees one gangster blow another one away with a tommy gun, a scene that scares him and makes him remember his mom. Older kids and alts will laugh at the scene (because it's way over the top), but little kids may actually get scared. Just a caution.
Macauly Culkin is great as our hero, Kevin. He was a pretty talented child star and it's too bad his career never really went anywhere. Our two burglars are Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci, who are the Pinky and The Brain of breaking and entering. I think Stern's character, Marv, was supposed to be the funnier one, but I personally liked Pesci's character, Harry, more. One thing I love is the way he's muttering nonsense under his breath every time he gets caught in a booby-trap, since he can't curse in a family movie. (Actually, true story, he had to do that because he had just finished filming his Oscar-winning and totally awesome role in "Goodfellas" as a foul-mouthed, quick-tempered, homicidal maniac of a gangster and so he was quite prone to cursing.)
What can I say? I LOVE this movie! It makes me a kid again.
⑥ 急求電影≤弱點≥英文觀後感 字數不限 最後不要太長+點語法錯誤
The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, were transcendent movies. The Blind Side (TBS) is not, which is why it is not a great movie. But in terms of its themes, it is a serious, well-made movie.
The main point, IMO, is that there is a disconnect between the Christianity Americans profess and the Christianity that they practice. Michael Oher went to a Christian Academy. But he wasn't admitted because he was a child in need, he was admitted because they thought he might be a good football player. He was consistently viewed as an outsider, befriended by no one. Were the Touhys the only people who saw that he was in need, or were they the only ones to act on their Christian faith? And if the faith of others is so shallow, what does that say about the state of Christianity today? TBS doesn't beat you over the head with this, but it is there. You often see statements of Christian faith ("in God, all things are possible") juxtaposed with examples of how people fall short of those ideals. Bullock's character is a right-wing, gun-toting, fundamentalist Christian. That such a person would take a 300-pound black kid into her home only shows how deep HER Christian faith is.
Another theme in TBS is how much of the plight of the black underclass is a result of their own behavior as opposed to the plight they find themselves in. TBS told you _a lot_ about Oher, but it did it through exposition, not dialogue. You saw his mother, you saw his background. You saw the thugs in the 'hood and you saw how utterly different he was from them and you knew, somehow, that that difference in character was why he was where he was, and why they were where they were.
Race, class, faith – all in a Hollywood movie about a football player. And the script makes sense and the performances ring true. I was glad I saw TBS and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
⑦ 求《假結婚》英文觀後感
The Proposal was just another romantic comedy. It was predictable but was funny at moments and romantic, it had two good performances from Bullock and Reynolds and had a interesting plot. But there were some moments that i just wanted to get out of there. But overall it was an alright movie.
This movie is obviously a girl's movie. I'm not one who goes for chick flicks. I just sit there and check my watch every few minutes and like always i was there checking my watch. But that doesn't mean you won't enjoy it. I'm the type of girl who likes movies like Goodfellas and The Dark Knight. So obviously this wasn't my type of movie.
Both leads were good. Sandra Bullock was alright. She started off as the character you hate but grows on you throughout the movie. It's hard for me not to like Ryan Reynolds since i'm a fan of him. He did a good job in this and if you like him check out some of his other movies. I recommend Just Friends.
I recommend you give it a try if your a girl who likes romantic comedies.
⑧ 東邪西毒 的英文評論
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