① 英文奧運會觀後感
其實這個在網路都搜的到的 附個比較好的英語網
It was in an unbelievable heart that the opening ceremony was so perpfect,and there were much too workers who paid a lot of effort.I was proud of this great moments as every act came from China, especially there was a large and unexpected draw in the center of the bird net which made people from all over the world intoxicate long.About one and a half hours later,the athletes admission ceremony began from which I saw many countries seriously,and all of it should be honorable whatever had the number of athletes.I was so moved when all of the audiences in the bird net welcomed the athletes of chinese,Taibei better than previous athletes,which surely made them perceive coming back home.At last,Li Ning,who eventually made the main tourh light up called the prince of gymnastics.There had much too entertainments which could not describe.Mrs Liu, What did you think so?
Simply said: "When the nest far into the periphery, the heart is a feeling of excitement and can not say to the excitement. After all, the 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing, the capital of. Into the nest, by the hope of Next is the opening ceremony, look up to the rise of fireworks filled the head of color, people Liulianwangfan and then use the ancient culture embodied the spirit of the Olympic Games in Beijing culture. These in fact sufficient to carry forward the dissemination of Chinese culture, more people can remember Culture and history. Let me after the most shocking: "Li Ning" his age is 45 years old, but also insisted the Olympic Games, Xiangyun adhere to hold high the torch, hanging wires; vacated in the nest on the wall of Huazhou on the run. At this juncture, the sacred flame has been ignited, but the nest site, the friends of the feelings of excitement or not dispersed.The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago. Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing』s successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap between a promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.
② 國慶閱兵觀後感英文200-300字
③ 時尚女魔頭的英文觀後感
To be yourself
---The Devil Wears Prada
On the way to dream and happiness, how can wekeep our original purpose and innocence when facing the objection, others』 viewand the blind following environment, really make me think heavily.
Through that movie, we know that to be ajournalist, Andy gave up her opportunity to go to Stanford University and theoriginal purpose she went to runway being Miranda』s assistant was help her openlots of door. And at first she laughed at her colleague and kept her own style.Her courage and innocence for her dream really make me respect on her.
However, as a series of things happening, shechanged graally. Fashioned clothes made her acquaint lots of different people,serious attitude to work put her into an important position, meanwhile, busywork made her get distant with her friends and family. What』s worse, she evenforgot to write. I still remember that plot: when Miranda』s call coming, shetried her best to get a flight for Miranda, when getting off the taxi, she evenforgot her dear father. When being pointed out of her change by her father, herfriends, her boyfriend and her colleague, 「 have no choice」 has become hermost powerful excuse.The more she devoted herself to her 「beneficial」 job, thefurther she』s away her close and her original dream. Fortunately, she realizedher missingand was be herself at last.
The dialogue between Andy and Nate「I turned myback on my friends and family and everything Ibelieved in, and, that, that forwhat?」「For shoes and shirts and jackets and belts」 which impresses me a lotshows off the losing of Andy when she worked for Miranda and also the losing ofmost people in modern society.
It』s wonderful to pursue our dream and happiness,however, in the materialistic age, wemay always be lost in money, power and glory. I believe that all the officialhope to serve public at first but as time goes on, some of them forget theirdream and become the one he ever hates deeply. We hope to live a happy life,but what a happy life means? Harmony family, close friends, healthy body, goodincome, and what』s more, doing things you love. The problem is that when tryinghard to achieve those we are likely to be buried in the busy work for great incomeand power which seems to be the guarantee, getting away from our love, losingour health, suffering the pain from the boring and disgusting job. Just like Mirandainthis movie, resplendent and confident in public, but when it comes to herprivate life, the dragon lady is so tender and sensitive.
What I talked above is not mean to criticizeanyone in that movie or any kind of people in real life. Everyone has hischoice on the way of life, his own style of life and the pursuit of life. Whateverhappens, to be yourself can always make you happy and enjoy the life, just likeNate and Nigel.
④ 求一篇奧運會觀後感要英文的!
The first Olympic games took place in the ancient civilization Greece. Like today, they were brutal competitions of skill and athleticism. In Greece the Olympics were thought as the ultimate in. They were not looked at as being merely a sport, but life. Today however, we do not see them as such. The Olympics are still very important To be in the Olympics and succeed is still the life goal of many athletes. Today people compete in the Olympics for the honor of their country, on a team; whereas a long time ago people fought only for the purpose of bringing glory
my family and I went to watch a few games yesterday. firstly, we went to watch swimming. swimming is the games i like the most among olimpic games. we manage to find a place to sit after we struggled searching for one. after about 15 minutes, the game is about to start. the athethletes prepare themselves on the stage before the pool. 3,2,1... jump, Guo jinjin, she is my favourite player.
Can』t think. My body shakes and screams from the tension. Heart pounding, nerves tingling, every muscle contracted. Stop. Focus. Deep breath and close everything out. I am very anxious and keep screaming her name, hope I can give her some support. luckily, she managed to win the game, I am very happy.
After that, we also went to watch boxing, bicycle racing and runnind 100 meters. they atheletes are very dedicated and they all tried their best to beat another. i bet they have been trained for quite a while.
we went back home at about 10pm since we were already tired. today, i am very happy because china manage to win a few gold, this bring pride to our country. i am proud to be a chinese. i hope i can watch other games very soon.
我和我的家人前往觀賞幾場比賽昨天。首先,我們去觀賞游泳。游泳是比賽我最喜歡的之間的奧運會。我們設法找到一個地方靜坐後,我們奮斗,尋找一。後約5分鍾,比賽即將開始。運動員准備自己的舞台上的前池。 3,2,1 ...跳轉,郭津津,她是我最喜愛的球員。
⑤ 3月16日-5月6日電影觀後感小結
[3月16日-5月6日電影觀後感小結]好吧,這一個半月我正事做得不多,電影倒是看了不少,3月16日-5月6日電影觀後感小結。大部分直接從校園網FTP3上復制,原因不言自明,後果不堪設想--觀影資源有限視野狹窄,現在快找不到看得順眼的片子down了,也好,接下來要忙畢業的各種瑣事,電影馬拉松的日子將一去不復返。因著整日不務正業滿腹牢騷,QQ簽名成了最方便緩解間歇性話癆病的地方,日積月累(用詞太滄桑了)下來突然發現觀影感足以集結成一個內容豐富的系列了,趁著還閑,做個小結,純屬個人觀感,要看影評可點擊影片名稱鏈接看具體簡介(都來自豆瓣網)。1Fantastic Mr.Fox/了不起的狐狸爸爸/超級狐狸先生狐狸爸爸智斗農場主的故事~高潮迭起,妙趣橫生,適合闔家觀賞~精彩配樂和大牌的配音是錦上添花。個人而言,簡直是今日陰天里的陽光啊哈哈~(觀後感日期:2010-5-6)2Glory Road/光榮之路/勇闖禁區確是籃球和夢想、尊嚴,種族,親情,友情,愛情的完美融合。配樂沒的說(時代感+黑人女歌手)。Yes,I love this game!(2010-5-5)3Cracks/裂縫/迷戀對象好扭曲的寄宿女校師生片,不適合陰天看。故事恕我不能理解,人物也不喜歡。看了影評才知原來我太天真以為片子不會是看上去那麼變態黑暗。拍攝和配樂還是很到位的,弦樂(沒記錯的話)搞得特壓抑。(2010-5-5)4Million Dollar Baby/百萬寶貝/百萬美元寶貝The toughest fight is the one against urself.旁白超sexy,女拳擊手和老男教練結局太杯具。片子確實冷靜乾脆利落,看得很是意猶未盡。(2010-05-04 23:39:14)5Cashback/超市夜未眠/愛情回水拍攝手法略覺反復但夠前衛配樂更是升華主題最大功臣。超多女性裸體哦呵。Romantic frozen beauty.(2010-05-04 14:42:13)6아;란;대;문;/雛妓/情色屋檐下至純的美越是在丑惡威逼之下越是怒放不已。不敢說看懂了金基德。不過很喜歡女豬腳和帥船工那段~(2010-05-03 23:38:53)7Changeling/換子疑雲/調包嬰兒/換嬰記一個女人在謊言腐敗困境下的優雅堅持。真相和公正需社會每個人的堅持。對國內現狀很有參照意義。拍攝水平上當然也是好片。(2010-05-03 13:55:39)8Seabiscuit/奔騰年代/壯志奔騰除開頭略覺不解冗長(剛開始不知道片子要說什麼)其餘堪稱一流,溫情激情劇情配樂該兼顧的都表達到位。自編自導勵志大片。(2010-05-03 00:33:05)9夏天協奏曲/夏天協奏曲/Summer Time劇情俗套演員一般配樂想借鋼琴經典名曲的光,有張睿家和金門的好風景也救不了場只能加速播放。(2010-05-02 21:52:56)10ร;ั;ก;|ส;า;ม;|เ;ศ;ร;้;า;/悲戀三人行/三心兩憶愛ta就讓ta得到想要的幸福。大愛女豬腳長相。又是部慢節奏片子典型偶像劇,畫面-倒敘剪接-片尾曲都不賴。(2010-05-01 23:57:54)11Dear John/分手信/親愛的約翰/分手信疾病死亡戰爭都會犧牲愛情,唯真愛能堅持下來。節奏偏慢,中規中矩的片子,男豬腳留鬍子很帥.(2010-05-01 22:08:15)12ม;.3ป;ี;4เ;ร;า;ร;ั;ก;น;า;ย;/初三大四我愛你在太遲前說出你的愛。演員長得討喜,巨難聽的泰語逼得我加速播放。像支太長的情歌MV。(2010-05-01 19:40:40--13Matchstick Men/火柴人/種計愛最易被利用一無所有不算最壞一無是處最糟導演用沒品的詐騙師把觀眾玩了一把配樂不錯。(2010-05-01 13:35:26)14The Talented Mr.Ripley/天才瑞普利/心計配樂最出眾。故事我不喜歡,連環殺手最終騙過眾人過上上流社會生活,不夠正義,哈哈。其實男豬腳是個三腳貓conman只是被騙的人都太天真。(2010-05-01 01:25:33)15Post Grad/畢業生生存指南/畢業之後別忽略在乎你的人,觀後感《3月16日-5月6日電影觀後感小結》。不是每個畢業女生都有一個Adam。女豬腳家人好搞笑。溫情,插曲不錯。(2010-04-30 22:26:10)16A River Runs Through It/大河戀/一條奔騰而過的河流生命如水,時光如河。隨時向親愛的人伸出手哪怕他們使你困惑。劇情單薄卻無可挑剔,大愛。(2010-04-30 16:14:50)17Paraiso Travel/天堂旅行/天堂之旅美國夢不是美夢(特別是沒見過世面的偷渡年輕人)。幾支插曲不錯,豬腳們都還養眼,其他都可以原諒,主題感覺太泛散。(2010-04-30 13:50:22)18帶我去遠方/帶我去遠方/Somewhere IHave Never Travelled男女小豬腳看著好喜歡。男生念的詩,兄妹單車,地圖與約定。鋼琴配樂神似雷光夏。無論結果如何,心裡有個遠方還是不錯的。(2010-04-29 20:47:38)19杜拉拉升職記/Go LaLa Go!廣告巨多,劇情沒勁,演員沒火花,究竟是在學美國還是拍電視劇咧。Karen就是有氣質,黃立行越看越像我弟,aha。(2010-04-29 20:44:23)20Precious珍愛/天生不是寶貝/珍愛人生活著的本質是殘酷,必須有珍愛的人和物。真不喜歡看這種悲劇片-我一直不敢直面人生的慘淡。不過不明白為何那麼多人看哭了,是我鐵石心腸了…(2010-04-29 20:42:06)21My Sister\'s Keeper/姐姐的守護者/姊姊的守護者劇情(後半段的)和音樂很出色,角色都很討喜,最強催淚彈。活著只是活著.(2010-04-29 01:28:30)22Did You Hear About the Morgans?/蒸發的摩根夫婦/名牌冤家共患難才是真夫妻,吵多幾架也沒關系。最愛牛仔夫婦,超性感~喜劇加速播放更添喜感額~(2010-04-28 23:28:57)23ホノカアボーイ/夏威夷男孩/夏威夷少年也讓我在那樣的小島上老去死去最後幻化成風吧,之前就做料理給親愛的人吃好了。向比婆婆學習~(2010-04-28 21:49:23)24The Hurt Locker/拆彈部隊/反恐防暴部隊女導演很強悍。無煽情配樂或大戰爭場面,就讓你上癮似的要看下去。癮,何止戰爭一種。PS:喜歡開頭被炸死的隊長。黑人JT也好帥。哈哈~很想看導演的花絮。what atough woman.(2010-04-28 12:46:45)25 Crazy Heart/瘋狂的心/聲聲相識浪子回頭金不換。很正的老男人和鄉村音樂。拾起瘋狂的心再愛一次吧。(2010-04-28 02:47:10)26Bright Star/明亮的星/璀璨情詩天妒英才。有重讀英文詩的沖動,懷念英國文學課上老師讀詩。片尾你會愛上John Keats,絕對.(2010-04-27 21:33:29)27Everybody\'s Fine/天倫之旅/幸福窩天倫誰說是喜劇!哭死我。最動人溫暖的還是親情。劇情剪接音樂各細節都很棒。對,everybody\'s fine-(2010-04-27 12:50:16)28Malèna/西西里的美麗傳說/瑪蓮娜少年的初戀與性的狂想曲。任何事情純粹起來都會美得感動人。音樂大贊。(2010-04-26 21:32:04)29Groundhog Day/偷天情緣/土撥鼠日Making today tomorrow is agreat thing~好笑又還算深刻。(2010-04-25 21:14:40)30Hachiko:A Dog\'s Story/忠犬八公的故事/忠犬小八31The Notebook/戀戀筆記本/深情日記愛是漫長又甜美的等待。愛是忠誠。忠犬八公更催淚,溫暖的老男人和乖狗,多賞心悅目啊,萌~。戀戀筆記本的男主角完美得太童話了,女豬腳有點討厭。(2010-04-24 19:26:40)32Fingersmith/指匠情挑Les片哦~又是個詐騙局中局。BBC拍的,還能說什麼呢,得拿出看英文名著的專注才能看下去和有機會享受。(2010-04-23凌晨)33New York,I Love You/紐約,我愛你/紐約我愛你十幾個不同國家的導演各自拍的短片串聯。城市,愛的來臨當如是。如何生活在那樣一個地方?看老夫妻邊拌嘴邊攙扶著去看海那段眼紅了…(2010-04-23 22:44:21)34艋舺/艋舺/黑道青春(愛美的)豆導的黑道片,很偶像劇,很感性,也很友愛得很BL。你是一直想變成風的小草,也許沒什麼不好。你一直混的是友情,但上了道的友情和愛情看著沒差。喜歡小天和趙又廷的表錯過。(2010-04-22 00:38:04)35活著/活著/To Live《活著》的雷人台詞其實就是現實里活著的各種結語。life\'s abitch,period.(2010-04-12 22:54:39)36밀;양;/密陽/Secret Sunshine信仰,救贖,原諒。有小孩子死的片子都讓我很難受。不評論了。(2010-04-03)37鬼子來了/鬼子來了/Devils on the Doorstep姜文的片子,你說呢?我笑個不停,但又覺得很難過。(2010-03-29)38全城熱戀/全城熱戀熱辣辣大牌雲集的商業片…沒什麼驚喜的。反倒挺喜歡井柏然演的倔小伙。(20100327)39Lady Chatterley/查泰萊夫人的情人/Lady Chatterley et l\'homme des.聽有聲小說覺得有點激情才看的,結果無比失望的說…加上在線看的破網速簡直窩火到不行…(2010-03-23)40Issiz adam/寂寞芳心/Alone土耳其的悶騷男竟有House的風范,還是高級餐廳老闆兼主廚,我能不愛嗎!雖說劇情有點俗套,好在有到位的演繹和蒙人的音樂,異國情調…不說啦,自己看去吧~(2010-03-22)41Orangelove/愛情公寓/Orange Love忘了看過不小心又看了一次。典型愛情文藝片,聽不懂的烏克蘭鳥語呃…沒事別把愛情搞得那麼復雜,除非你很閑,很輸得起。結局不錯啦,像那小說什麼的項鏈?也忘了。(2010-03-23)42It\'s aFree World./自由世界單身母親為生計鋌而走險給偷渡者做兼職中介的故事。生存何其艱難,有錢才能談自由。唉…(2010-03-21)43Le ballon rouge/紅氣球/The Red Balloon萬物皆有靈性。小男孩和紅氣球的默契之旅。Funny~(2010-03-19)44Requiem for aDream/夢之安魂曲/迷上癮黑暗的毒癮片。強悍的剪接和音樂緊緊糾住你的眼球,告訴你什麼叫癮。少了音效我估計看不下。(2010-03-17凌晨)45Edward Scissorhands/剪刀手愛德華/幻海奇緣奇幻浪漫極了。好笑好玩的段子也不少。愛德華的經歷印證了一句話"他人即地獄"。PS:給某人--如果在那之前看過Edward Scissorshands,我就會叫你Edward.(2010-03-16 00:51:55)看到中意的好片,勝似一場與情投誼合的陌生人的美麗邂逅,但在那之前,是無數張你不想看清不太記得起的臉龐。〔3月16日-5月6日電影觀後感小結〕隨文贈言:【人生舞台的大幕隨時都可能拉開,關鍵是你願意表演,還是選擇躲避。】
⑥ 幫忙用英文寫下光榮之路的觀後感,400字左右吧 沒要求 簡單就好 不用太高深 ,在線等
⑦ 光榮之路觀後感英語版
See the "the path to glory", the mood to be calm. This is not imagination of the science fiction adventure, and no flowers on the romantic emotional field under more thrilling, no special effects. The film tells of, is all really exist in the story, so it looks the more moving heartstrings. In the film, I watch before, including now of all the world's people, may not think black play basketball have what strange place. Even now, in the NBA all-star in a large part of the are black. Is this movement in them, and the influence of the continually expanding graally. So, when he saw the film of black players so not strangers to understand, or even by people keep discrimination, damage, I was in shock. Never thought of, in the 1960 s the years in our human history, there are still so dark corner, racial discrimination that he can evolution to such unbridled extent. I want to, even if is seen many of the documents we, if there is no real experience, how can it really know? Never thought, in this dark period, there are still people willing to stand up tall. Even if a target, also ShiYao will own point of view to prove to the world: black will also play with our heads!!!!! And, they will play better than whites more beautiful! We have to thank coach Dan ahaz the jeans. If not he, perhaps now's black players is still in the most low team, let alone in the NBA's back on Saturday. Is he, unconditionally believe in and insist, will be brought to light 10 million of black players. The more never thought, there is a group of people, from mutual strange and disgust, sharing weal and woe to the final, who also cannot leave in this time, who wrote heavily in the long river of his name and deeds, only for the most pure passion for the game and longing. Say they are with the life playing basketball, do a little too much. From the little-known smaller teams, step by step, even the league race to a normal by white people of all players for a team that, among the bitterness of, difficult also is self-evident. Besides, their special identity and the contemporary social background, the article that the path to glory is more narrow, winding road. But, threats, beating, cynical...... These various, and his dream than up, again calculate what? They were deeply know the weight of the dream. They also know, lose dream is like a loss of life of cruelty and weak. So, they every game, every time a struggle, all is the burning of life with flowery. They are not afraid, so they invincible! Until the top from the bottom, this is not a smooth for the road ahead. But they step by step firmly to go forward. Don't stay, don't turn around, even if meet obstacles and no hesitate and had to step his pace, with their own faith go an a simplicity revives, belong to their own the path to glory!
⑧ 《光榮之路》的800字影評
這些帶著少年心氣上路的黑人少年,在通向勝利的天堂前,不僅僅流盡了血汗。他們頂著白人們的輕蔑不屑與惡毒的人生攻擊以及四處蔓延的流言。在上場前沒有球迷與這些黑皮膚的少年擊掌,迎接他們的是球迷惡毒的語言以及行為的侮辱。就像David Lattin所說的,「全世界都與我為敵」。
永遠都無法忘卻擊掌發誓搶冠軍時那句「Take it」的鏗鏘有力和信誓旦旦。甚至比「I had a dream」更讓人熱血沸騰。這個世界不再是一片蒼白,黑色讓這個世界跳躍。
總之,《Glory Road》並不是一個傳統的弱小的英雄擊敗了龐大怪物的故事,也不是單純的冠軍神話。光榮之路上,不僅僅有血汗與眼淚。可是只要人一旦有了夢想,就會變得勢不可擋。我想也許只有這些球場上的追夢少年最能體會夢想的重量。
忍不住向Don Haskins先生致敬。
⑨ 光榮之路電影觀後感英文版大約160詞左右
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⑩ 誰能幫寫一份《光榮之路》英文版的觀後感嗎
"Glory Road" tells the true story, with much dramatic license along the way, of one of sport's greatest moments. A moment that changed the face and color of college basketball and rippled across all sports. It's the story of a little known college basketball coach, Don Haskins, and how he came to be the coach of little known Texas Western College in El Paso, Texas. It's also the story of the black players who would be recruited from all around the USA to eventually wind up playing in one of the greatest moments in college basketball: David "Daddy D" Lattin, Nevil Shed, Willie Cager, Orsten Artis, "Wee" Willie Worsley, Harry Flournoy, and of course the late floor general, Bobby Joe Hill. And the other team members played their vital roles also: Jerry Armstrong, Louis Baudoin, Dick Meyers, Togo Railey and David Palacio. Procer Jerry Bruckheimer does a wonderful job of bringing back the singular moment of the all-white Kentucky team under Adolph Rupp (Jon Voigt is a hoot in this role) and Haskin's all-black starting five meeting in the NCAA basketball national championship final game spotlight ring some tough racial times for the USA. In fact, Haskins had played this combination of players many times before ring the season to little local fanfare, so it was no big deal to him. He just wanted to win. Josh Lucas is great as Don "The Bear" Haskins in this excellent James Gartner-directed movie. It's said that Lucas, in preparing for this role, was driven out into the desert by Haskins in his truck and they just sat and talked (and drank) for many hours discussing how Haskins did it and the way he did it. (This has turned into quite a good friendship since then.) The movie pre-screenings, with all of the living original players on hand, in El Paso are greatly appreciated by all of us who lived through those incredible times and are still here.
"Glory Road" tells the story of the Texas Western Miners, a college basketball team who won the NCAA Championship in 1966. But this wasn't just an ordinary championship, no, for the starting line-up in the championship game was all Black players, a thing that was unheard of in '66. Or better yet, even a black player being recruited by a college team was out of the ordinary. However, the 36 year old coach Don Haskins recruited seven Black players for his Texas Western team (when the season begins, he starts three of those players). The team was barely even thought of in the college world before then, then with the help of the seven black players, they went on to win the championship.
The movie opens with a girls basketball game, and you see that Don Haskins coaches girl's basketball. Later on, he is asked to coach Division 1 basketball, for the Texas Western team (with one drawback; he would have to live in the dorm room with his wife and kids). Then, he sets out to recruit players that would help the team win. When he recruits all Black players, it's obvious that most people (even the Black players themselves) thought Haskins was crazy. Among the players he recruited were Bobby Jo Hill (played exceptionally by Derek Luke), Willie Cager, David Lattin, and Harry Flournoy. His practices for the team were intense and his rules were strict. This would all pay off in the end though, with the Miners winning the championship over Adolf Rupp's Kentucky Wildcats (with Pat Riley, who is a character in the movie, it's weird to hear his name called while he's playing, knowing he's a game-winning coach with plenty of rings).
The movie does depict the racism at the time as well. It wasn't an easy ride for the coach or the Black players on the team. In the first game, the fans clapped for the two starting white players, but the whole arena was quiet when the Black players were announced. The team had racial slurs written in their hotel room ring their game. One player was even beat up in a bathroom. Haskins was harassed as well. The racism almost tore the team apart, but with the coach's help they stayed together and changed the course of basketball.
All around, the acting was great. Josh Lucas did a great job as Coach Haskins, completely becoming his character. Derek Luke did great as Bobby Jo Hill. Jon Voight played Kentucky coach Adolf Rupp, but you wouldn't really know unless you read the credits. Nonetheless he did a great job. Mehcad Brooks, Sam Jones III, Schin A.S. Kerr and Damaine Radcliff (who played Flournoy, Worsley, Lattin, and Cager, respectively) all did excellent in their roles. The actors practically become the players. The cast couldn't have been better.
Overall, Disney has released another superb movie about sports underdogs winning it all (I enjoyed Remember The Titans as well). If you like that movie, there's no way you'll dislike this. It is a well-cast, well-directed movie that will satisfy any basketball fan, and will keep everyone watching. It's been said that it follows the cliches of all other similar movies, but don't we always watch them anyway?
The film triumphantly shows how one coach changed the game (and face) of basketball completely. One quote from the film is "You're acting like negroes are gonna be the future of basketball!" and I couldn't help but laugh when that line was said. The importance and significance of that season and the tribulations of the team is wonderfully shown. Don't pass this up.