A. 求一篇喬布斯斯坦福大學演講的英文觀後感,大概1分鍾左右的演講時間,不要復制網上的
Steve Jobs a tour of the great practice of the heart, he used the perfect interpretation of the life energy to the heart-day tour of the essence - the pursuit of freedom to meet the needs of the people! He used wisdom, science and technology, and a lifetime of effort to create the apple, so that people jumped on the free use of technology a big step. And he has done the basic idea has always been based on his "life is not already naked, no reason not to listen to the call of the heart."喬布斯一位心游的偉大實踐者,他用畢生的精力完美詮釋了心天游的精髓——滿足人心追求自由的需要!他用智慧、科技以及一生的心血創造了蘋果,使人們在使用科技的自由上躍升了一大步。而他的所作所為基本基於他一貫的思想「人生不帶來,死不帶去,沒理由不聽從內心的召喚。」
B. 喬布斯2005年斯坦福大學畢業演講觀後感英文的,有賞
Steve Jobs a tour of the great practice of the heart, he used the perfect interpretation of the life energy to the heart-day tour of the essence - the pursuit of freedom to meet the needs of the people! He used wisdom, science and technology, and a lifetime of effort to create the apple, so that people jumped on the free use of technology a big step. And he has done the basic idea has always been based on his "life is not already naked, no reason not to listen to the call of the heart."
C. 用英文寫一篇奧巴馬開學演講觀後感,200詞左右
觀後感可以參考:At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, the best schools in the world -- and none of it will make a difference, none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities, unless you show up to those schools, unless you pay attention to those teachers, unless you listen to your parents and grandparents and other alts and put in the hard work it takes to succeed. That』s what I want to focus on today: the responsibility each of you has for your ecation.
D. 英語作文《奧巴馬演講觀後感》
Hello, Chicago.您好,芝加哥。 there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.如果還有人仍在懷疑美國是否是一個一切皆有可能的國度的話,如果還有人仍在疑慮我們美國的締造者的夢想是否還存在於我們這個時代的話,如果還有人仍在質疑我們民主的力量的話,今晚你就可以得到答案。It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.它的答案告訴延伸線,圍繞學校和教堂的人數這個民族從未見過的,等待三個小時,四個小時的人們,許多第一次在他們的生活,因為他們認為,這次一定是不同的,他們的聲音可能是不同的。It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of indivials or a collection of red states and blue states.不管你是年輕人還是老年人,是富人還是窮人,是民主黨人還是共和黨人,是黑人還是白人,也不管你是拉丁美洲人或亞洲人還是本土美國人,更無論你是否為同性變者、是否是殘疾人,這是美國人共同的答案。美國人向全世界傳遞一個聲音,那就是我們的選舉從不分紅州或藍州。We are, and always will be, the United States of America.我們屬於,而且永遠只屬於美利堅合眾國。It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.它的答案,導致這些誰一直在說這么長時間這么多的是玩世不恭和恐懼和懷疑是我們能夠實現把他們手中的弧的歷史和彎曲再次向希望一個更美好的一天。It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.雖然等待了很長時間,但在今晚的這一決定性時刻,由於我們在這次選舉中的努力,美國終於迎來了變革。A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain.今天傍晚稍早的時候,我接到麥凱恩參議員一個特別親切的電話。Sen. McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has enred sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.在競選過程中,他堅持不懈,努力了很長時間,而且他還會為他所熱愛的國家繼續更加努力。他已經為美國奉獻了太多,以到於我們許多人都無法想像。我們必須要更好地服務於我們的祖國,以補償這位勇敢而無私的領導人。I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov. Palin for all that they've achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.我祝賀他以及佩林此前取得的所有成績,而且我希望能夠與他們合作,重申數月前我們對國家所做的承諾。
E. 英語優質課觀後感
[英語優質課觀後感]上周聽了幾節名師講課,覺得大有收獲,現在把所聽所想進行了一番梳理,總結出以下幾點:首先,這次觀看兩位名師的講課以後,給我最大的一點感受,也是己不如人的地方就是他們一口標准流利的英語課堂教學語言,英語老師上課應該說英語,應最大限度地利用課堂時間讓學生陶醉在英語的語言環境中,而不是有很多時間說的是漢語,因為說漢語就是在浪費課堂時間,英語優質課觀後感。但反觀自己的課堂教學,除了一些簡單的表揚和指令語句用英語外,其他大部分還是用漢語上課,對於三年級起始的英語教學這是不應該的,以後也要向名師學習,不找任何包括年齡等方面的原因。其實兩位老師的年齡都在我之上,他們能堅持用全英上課,自己為什麼不能呢?以前老是覺得學生聽不懂,這次看到李老師多次使用肢體語言協助竟然能給孩子上課,說明全英教學是對的,正確的語言形成過程就應該是這樣的,不能總想省勁靠母語做橋梁,其實是非常違背語言學習規律的事,那種以漢語做橋梁的教法看似快,其實最後得不償失,欲速而不達。另外,通過觀課和講座,我還發現兩位老師的上課都非常有靈活性,或者也可以說是教學機智,比如我們很多老師對學生的評價喜歡給學生發一些與上課不相乾的東西,或者往學生臉上貼小星星,這對低年級的同學或許有效,但高年級的同學可能就比較反感。專家建議我們給學生發自己的教具,但食物類最好用圖片,以免學生產生食慾而影響了上課。但發給學生的教具不可能送給學生,就要收回來,收的時候也要講究策略,同時也可以帶動學生練習剛學過的對話。例如在教傢具時回收圖片,就可以出示一個房子,對學生說,I bought a new house, but it is empty. I’d like some furnitures. Do you know what I’d like?(我買了一座新房子,但它是空的,我想要些傢具,你想知道我想要什麼嗎?)這樣引導學生說:What would you like?(你想要什麼?)教師再說:I’d like…(我想要……)這樣在學生練習了回答以後,也可以練習提問,同時老師也藉此收回了發出的教具,這要比下課後直接問學生要回教具效果好得多。還有就是英語單詞的記憶問題,專家提出瞭望文生音,依音推詞的教學理念,望文生音是說教師在書寫新詞時,每寫一個字母或字母組合,都應該給學生示範它的發音,讓學生以後再見到這個字母或字母組合也能慢慢會讀。依音推詞是說學生學生瞭望文生音以後,基本上就知道了那個音節應該是由那個字母或字母組合構成,然後就能根據聲音推斷出單詞的拼寫,從英語單詞教學從易到難的角度上來說,這是個不錯的建議,英語教師不妨一試。通過這次學習我受益良多,希望每一次的學習都能使自己的教學水平有所提高。十月十一日至十三日我校領導安排全校教師觀摩在襄樊市舉行的第六屆湖北省高中英語優質課展評活動。作為一名英語教師,面對這么多從事英語教學經驗豐富的教師們,我迫切希望有機會向他人學習,畢竟對自己的教學仍然有許多迷惑並深感自己在教學中存在許多這樣或那樣的不足。這一次的優質課展評共有12位教師參加了展評,歷時三天,經過三天緊張的觀摩學習,我感覺自己受益非淺,特別是選手們的高專業素質,高業務水平和駕馭課堂的高超技巧給我留下了很深的印象,觀後感《英語優質課觀後感》。同時,這些優質課當中體現出來的亮點值得我們好好學習並反思。1. 巧妙運用多媒體 提高了課堂效率本次參賽的12位選手在各自的優質課展示中都運用了多媒體教學手段,他們在課展中都製作了課件,有的運用了PPT,有的運用了Flash, 有的運用了電影片斷, 也有這些都兼而用之的。這是教師們教學手段上的進步和教學理念的更新。運用多媒體手段,製作課件來進行教學,運用得當便可以激活課堂,使課堂更加生動,加大課堂教學容量, 也能充分調動學生的學習積極性,從而提高課堂效率。反思:新東方的教師們在課堂上很少會使用現代科學教育技術設備,甚至有老師不會使用PPT或是製作Courseware等等。2.教學設計富有創意本次大賽中有不少教師的教學極富創意,給觀課的教師們留下了很好的印象。如一位教師在講授Job時,巧妙的將有關2008北京奧運的主題音樂及Flash搬到課堂,音樂感人,圖片直觀。讓學生通過這種方式了解更多的職業實在為美妙之舉。反思:凡事細節做起,我們需要多抽出時間來製作教具或Video來豐富課堂。3.緊抓新課標,更好的發揮任務型教學 任務型教學,太熟悉的字眼,最流行的詞彙,不僅僅是我們,所有的老師都在嘗試更好的將任務型教學貫穿課堂始終。任務型教學以學生為中心,有利於激發學生主動探索語言。在任務型課堂上,學生始終處於一種積極的、主動的學習狀態,任務的參與者之間的交流是一種互動的過程。為了完成任務,學生盡力調動各種語言和非語言的資源進行任務分析,以達到解決某種交流問題的目的。這次大賽中許多老師將任務型教學很好的利用在課堂中,整個完成任務的過程催化了學生自然的和有意義的語言應用,營造了一個有利於學生將語言運用為言語技能的支持環境,並通過完成特定的任務來獲得和積累相應的學習經驗,享受成功的喜悅,從而提高學生的學習興趣和學習的積極性。 反思:正確認識自己的課堂,抓住時機下放任務,引導孩子進行任務分析,避免課堂表面學生表現積極,實則是無效教學的課堂。4.將interview, talk show引進課堂有教師精心設計和運用了interview, talk show 在課堂教學中,學生們通過學習新的知識及以往知識的積累,完成特定的任務來充分展示自己觀點,表達自己的思想。反思:創新課堂是教師多觀察多思考而得出的靈感和想法,可以借鑒此方法進行復習課的展示或公開課的展示。5.自然,流利的英語口語大多數教師的英語口語水平確實不錯,但給我印象頗為深刻的是一位四中授課的教師,她在組織課堂教學時,能使用清晰,流利, 自然並且富有節奏感的英語口語,因此博得了大家的好評。反思:作為英語學校的每一位老師都應該理直氣壯的說我的英語口語很牛,但是大家缺乏自我學習和講英語的環境,只有課堂上簡單的課堂用語和教材上的英語表達常常使用,要多提高自我學習的水平和自身口語水平。6.課堂內容熟練 時間把握准確所有參加比賽的教師們每位都能在45分鍾之內講完所要求的內容,並下放Homework,時間把握非常准確。 反思:加強課堂管理,增強課堂的嚴謹性。教學本來就是一門留下遺憾的藝術,因為任何一堂優質課都不可能面面俱到,十全十美。更何況由於觀課者或評課者的眼界不同,水平有高有低,對教材的精神理解和把握也不盡一致,甚至對教材內容的熟悉程度也不一致,由此對一堂課的好差優劣所做出的評價自然也是智者見智,仁者見仁。但是,凡是好的東西總歸是好的,它總能讓人受到鼓舞,並且使人很容易得到啟發,甚至使人產生頓悟。我在此本著反思教學的態度,力求從反思和總結中吸取一些營養,學習並借鑒一些有益的東西。
F. 奧巴馬2014開學演講稿讀後感,英文300字,要求原創!急!
School, and first class language teacher we watch Obama school speech, although this video is very short, but it does lead me!
Obama's speech is not like others, he is true, just like a father is ecating children don't want to go to school.
Obama told us that learning is not an easy thing. He cited himself as an example, an account of his childhood, his mother give him extra lessons in the morning. Obama also told us that learning on your own, because even if you have the most dedicated teachers, the best schools and the best parents, if you don't pay the necessary effort, all this would be meaningless.
He also tells us the significance of learning: learning can help us to find the talent. If you do not accept this training, you will not be able to find a good job, more likely to contribute to the country!
He tells us that there will always be factors that disturb your studying, he cites many examples: in your life, you need people who can be given without support. Of your family may be unemployed, financially. Maybe you live in the neighborhood safe enough or been behaving badly influence of peers. But these were not an excuse to avoid learning. You need to set yourself a target, can be very simple, but you must adhere to. Obama cited many examples, such as: gusimin·, anoni·shuerzi, sweet teer·shidifu, and Michael Jordan. Success is not a simple thing, but it doesn't matter, failure doesn't mean that you can't, but you one step closer. Faced with it, you shouldn't give up your own, but should take its lessons, so next time to make a change.
Obama's school speech not only strengthened my determination, also taught me a lot of reading methods and experiences. This reminds me of Napoleon once said, in a word: "I succeeded because I willed it, I never hesitated. 」
G. 英語4 6級講座聽後感800字
六級比抄較高 四六級的區別 一、詞彙量不同 四級有4000左右的詞彙就可以,六級詞彙至少需要5500左右的詞彙量。
詞彙的記憶方法多種多樣,適合自己的就是最好。 1) 在真題中背詞 優勢:以題目為背景,更能夠知道單詞的使用情況和准確含義,能夠對單。
H. 收看李陽老師英語講座讀後感怎麼寫
I. 英語講座的感想
J. 《國王的演講》觀後感(英文,不超過一百字)
I was entirely moved by the king in the film. The king used to stammer severely. Specifically, when he was a little child, he was abused by his step-mother, which gave rise to the stammer. Growing up in the family, he had no alternative but to deliver numerous speeches in public. Nevertheless, he made a painstaking effort to practice pronounciation in order to alleviate the stammer. And eventually he fulfilled his goal. So this movie essentially motivates me to conct things in our daily life as well as we probably can.