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發布時間: 2021-02-27 01:36:07

① 求一篇Pirates of Silicon Valley(矽谷傳奇)的英文觀後感...謝謝啦...

A docu-drama about the rise of PC through the rivalry between Apple & Microsoft, the movie captures the events of how Apple & Microsoft came to existence and the rivalry that only helped the PC instry boom. Being a die-hard Apple fan who grew up using Windows & switched to Mac an year back, I've been wanting to watch it for quite a time & last night when I did... honestly, I LOVED it.

The movie begins with the making of the 1984 commercial (hailed today as the greatest commercial of all time) & then moves to 1997 Macworld Expo where Steve Jobs having made his return to Apple, announces the company's deal with Microsoft. The movie then flashes back to the earlier days before the invent of Apple, & introces Steve Wozniak, co- founder of Apple & the real magician behind Apple Computers.. who also is one of the two narrators in the film. The part of Bill Gates is narrated by Steve Ballmer, the current CEO of Microsoft.

The one thing that I simply loved about this movie is the accurate depiction of personalities featured in it. Noah Wyle & Anthony Michael Hall play young Steve Jobs & Bill Gates, respectively to perfection. They look amazingly convincing as their characters, both in looks and personalities. In short, they nailed it. And so was the case of supporting actors like Steve Wozniak, John Sculley, Paul Allen & Steve Ballmer.

The casting has been stunning & the performances by the actors in portraying the figures that changed the world forever, breathtaking. Even the locations & events like student movements of the 70s, Jobs' garage where Apple was born, Wozniak's plane crash, the cluelessness of Xerox about the potential of their own creation, 1984 commercial, Bill Gates working in Apple & then deceiving the company etc were captured quite nicely. But many events are highly inaccurate depictions of what it actually was.

For e.g: Apple was invited by Xerox & were licensed their GUI for exchange of some part in Apple's share. Apple Lisa was a failure & not a successful commercial proct. Microsoft never really had a comparable GUI to the 1984 released Macintosh until 1991. Many events were captured accurately but then it happened at different times or in a different place than depicted in the movie to oversimplify history.

One thing I wished this movie had was more of Bill Gates. This is mostly a movie about Jobs' psych & life and is quite hard at him. You get to see much of the way Steve Jobs used to operate in those days as well as the way he used to see things in a spiritual & artistic way, the movie really misses out a lot about Bill Gates. All you get to see is his ruthless business practice. Overall, the movie is not very kind to either Jobs or Gates as it emphasizes their negative qualities more.

Not a completely accurate insight into the history of Apple & Microsoft but definitely worth a watch. After all, the machine on which you are reading this, is the result of either one or both of these revolutionary companies that changed the way we think, work & communicate... in short, changed the way we live... changed the world forever. Apple, Inc. and Microsoft Corp.

② 矽谷傳奇觀後感300字

矽谷傳奇觀後感]周末休息,看了一下《矽谷傳奇》(The.Pirates.of.Silicon.Valley),講的是喬布斯的故事,跟《喬專布斯傳》的前屬半部基本吻合,矽谷傳奇觀後感。感覺導演在影片最後家了點喬布斯臣服於蓋茨或蘋果臣服於微軟的意思,這點跟《喬布斯傳》不太一致。影片順帶提了一些關於微軟的發家史,影片中的史蒂夫-鮑爾默是比較搞笑的一個角色,看完電影漸漸明白為啥他手中的微軟這么不給力了,觀後感《矽谷傳奇觀後感》。 上周讀完《喬布斯傳》,覺得喬布斯成功之前其實還是吃了些苦頭,跌了些跟頭的。要不是斯卡利在Apple董事會的批准下踢走喬布斯,也不會有皮克斯的輝煌,以至於後來迪斯尼對皮克斯的收購使喬布斯一度成為迪斯尼的最大股東。11.11.11,跟矽谷相關的神奇數字,祝所有單身的ITer和單身的非ITer,節日快樂!

③ 求一篇關於《矽谷傳奇》電影的觀後感,要英文的,不要翻譯器翻譯的!





⑤ 矽谷傳奇觀後感

[矽谷傳奇觀後感]周末休息,看了一下《矽谷傳奇》(The.Pirates.of.Silicon.Valley),講的是喬布斯回的故事,跟《喬答布斯傳》的前半部基本吻合,矽谷傳奇觀後感。感覺導演在影片最後家了點喬布斯臣服於蓋茨或蘋果臣服於微軟的意思,這點跟《喬布斯傳》不太一致。影片順帶提了一些關於微軟的發家史,影片中的史蒂夫-鮑爾默是比較搞笑的一個角色,看完電影漸漸明白為啥他手中的微軟這么不給力了,觀後感《矽谷傳奇觀後感》。 上周讀完《喬布斯傳》,覺得喬布斯成功之前其實還是吃了些苦頭,跌了些跟頭的。要不是斯卡利在Apple董事會的批准下踢走喬布斯,也不會有皮克斯的輝煌,以至於後來迪斯尼對皮克斯的收購使喬布斯一度成為迪斯尼的最大股東。11.11.11,跟矽谷相關的神奇數字,祝所有單身的ITer和單身的非ITer,節日快樂!

⑥ 求一篇《矽谷傳奇》的觀後感(英文) 大約300字左右 不要用翻譯器 郵箱[email protected] 謝謝

1, you admire and want to be what person, the way you will lose yourself.

Lucy getting beauty, but became others, no one can remember her. Actually this truth a look everybody can understand, but in real life and do not have a few people can do it, do it to be yourself, cherish, preservation and development of self, on the contrary, many comparison, and will feel disadvantage when insecurity. Actually we each themselves, are unique, unique, be worth us to appreciate.

2, the appearance of powerful and inner often not in proportion, the heart of strong real powerful.

When we are unable to accept ourselves, cannot correctly evaluate themselves, even though we have already have "especially listrac si" dragon body, but will still weak, afraid that we should be able to overcome the difficulties, because we just originally childhood that weak himself. From the heart to accept ourselves, and accepted his own good and not perfect, of our efforts and hard work always cannot be replaced. Just do your best, we are your heroes.

3, don't live in the past to live in the present, to live in the now.

The prince to kingdom and subjects, no longer at life to find father, choose the missing father put them in their heart, for father once expectations to manage the kingdom. Said forget the past for most of us are is almost impossible, but no longer often remind of, no longer for the past regret losing can now have is that we can try to do it. Try to let oneself of each decision is willing to choose yourself, no matter success or lose, strive for is just don't regret it, not satisfied with the current situation of resources change from now on. Rather than JieTan blame gone, let his heart stopped in the past, parked in regret, there are a lot of things, it is necessary, no matter could also twists and turns.

⑦ 矽谷傳奇英文觀後感 快 。。。。。。。。。。。

The movie begins with the making of the 1984 commercial (hailed today as the greatest commercial of all time) & then moves to 1997 Macworld Expo where Steve Jobs having made his return to Apple, announces the company's deal with Microsoft. The movie then flashes back to the earlier days before the invent of Apple, & introces Steve Wozniak, co- founder of Apple & the real magician behind Apple Computers.. who also is one of the two narrators in the film. The part of Bill Gates is narrated by Steve Ballmer, the current CEO of Microsoft.

The one thing that I simply loved about this movie is the accurate depiction of personalities featured in it. Noah Wyle & Anthony Michael Hall play young Steve Jobs & Bill Gates, respectively to perfection. They look amazingly convincing as their characters, both in looks and personalities. In short, they nailed it. And so was the case of supporting actors like Steve Wozniak, John Sculley, Paul Allen & Steve Ballmer.

The casting has been stunning & the performances by the actors in portraying the figures that changed the world forever, breathtaking. Even the locations & events like student movements of the 70s, Jobs' garage where Apple was born, Wozniak's plane crash, the cluelessness of Xerox about the potential of their own creation, 1984 commercial, Bill Gates working in Apple & then deceiving the company etc were captured quite nicely. But many events are highly inaccurate depictions of what it actually was.

For e.g: Apple was invited by Xerox & were licensed their GUI for exchange of some part in Apple's share. Apple Lisa was a failure & not a successful commercial proct. Microsoft never really had a comparable GUI to the 1984 released Macintosh until 1991. Many events were captured accurately but then it happened at different times or in a different place than depicted in the movie to oversimplify history.

One thing I wished this movie had was more of Bill Gates. This is mostly a movie about Jobs' psych & life and is quite hard at him. You get to see much of the way Steve Jobs used to operate in those days as well as the way he used to see things in a spiritual & artistic way, the movie really misses out a lot about Bill Gates. All you get to see is his ruthless business practice. Overall, the movie is not very kind to either Jobs or Gates as it emphasizes their negative qualities more.

Not a completely accurate insight into the history of Apple & Microsoft but definitely worth a watch. After all, the machine on which you are reading this, is the result of either one or both of these revolutionary companies that changed the way we think, work & communicate... in short, changed the way we live... changed the world forever. Apple, Inc. and Microsoft Corp.

(ZZ from IMDB)

⑧ 求一篇 《矽谷傳奇》觀後感,八百字,謝謝了

《矽谷傳奇》的觀後感21世紀可以說是互聯網的時代,如今互聯網產業飛快發展,互聯網與我們每個人息息相關涉及我們生活的方方面面,互聯網拉近了我們人與人之間的距離,打破了地域限制的溝通障礙;使得地球變為一個村。互聯網如此的神奇,所以我們難免想要去了解它有關的發展史。影片描述史蒂夫.喬布斯和比爾.蓋茨兩個人物是如何一步一步成長起來的,還有如何創立「蘋果」和「微軟」兩大公司的過程,以及演繹了兩大巨頭的競爭合作。從影片中我們能夠深刻的感受到思維的魅力,了解知識和掌握科學技術的重要性。新事物的發展一般都是螺旋式上升的,總是曲折的。一個優秀的領導者總是會在第一時間掌握到第一手信息並在第一時間做出判斷,對於一個公司來講掌握自己的競爭對手的信息和市場信息十分關鍵,這樣公司未來的方向才會明確。就像影片里有一段當開發小組把滑鼠展現給IBM董事會的時候,立刻就把這項偉大的發明給否掉了,但是喬布斯就抓住了這個機會,准確預見了滑鼠在未來的重要作用,並且當機立斷地拿到了滑鼠的產權。 如果一個企業不去觀察競爭對手的所作所為,那麼它的戰略必定盲目的,也不能戰勝對手。戰略是一個動態的博弈過程,搜集競爭對手的情報非常重要,以便於企業根據競爭對手的動向隨時調整自己的策略。比爾·蓋茨是一個能夠敏銳觀察到歷史前進方向、並不惜任何代價爭取站在潮頭的商業模式大師。在計算機技術快速發展的時代,比爾就能對歷史發展方向做出非常准確的判斷,20多年前就提出每個人的桌面上都要有一台計算機,這是非常令人驚嘆的。另一個方面是當比爾蓋茨發現喬布斯的圖形界面的時候,自己以一個小人物的身份去學習,為蘋果打工,為了就是能看到圖形界面。在那之後微軟的山寨版的windows誕生了。英雄所見略同。當喬布斯發現比爾蓋茨抄襲的時候比爾蓋茨說了一句話:「我們就像共同富裕的鄰居。就好像咱們都去偷一樣東西,當你來到房間的時候,發現我已經先到了,是我先偷盜的,所以它屬於我。你只不過是第一個想去偷他的人罷了。」從中不得不佩服比爾的預見性和判斷能力。「蘋果」和「微軟」就是在不斷的競爭中發展。競爭其實不是此消彼長或者是一個事物的產生一個事物的消亡的關系。大多數企業都把競爭對手看作威脅,實際上,在許多行業競爭中競爭對手往往會加強而不是削弱企業的競爭地位。合適的競爭對手可以為行業發展和企業發展帶來許多。從某種程度上來說競爭對手是彼此相互促進、共同發展的一種關系。

⑨ 華爾街紀錄片矽谷方程觀後感


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