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發布時間: 2021-02-28 23:58:08

① 有關勵志的電影影評 簡短的

Fear can hold you prisoner,hope can set you free,a strong man can save himself,a great man can save another.------《肖申克的救贖》

② 獅子王的影評

《獅子王》是一部可以伴隨著人成長的電影,它給人帶來的感動,回味是深刻而長久的。 小時候第一次看它就哭了兩次,一次是穆法沙死去辛巴絕望的呼喊,一次是影片結尾辛巴重新站在榮耀岩上,萬物復甦。當然小時候也許更多的是著迷那些生動活潑的形象,但隨著年齡的增長,多次的回顧,發現《獅子王》帶給我的已不僅僅是聲、色的豐富,還有心靈的深深震撼。 故事的背景選在了充滿生命力的非洲大草原上,壯美的草原把愛、責任、成長、生命輪回這些具有深遠意義的主題烘托成了一部宏大的史詩,展示了一個新生的壯闊世界,讓我們體驗到愛與冒險的生命感動。這種內涵超越了任何文化和國度,因為人類無法改變自然規律,而愛則是人類永遠追求的情感。 之所以說這是一部伴隨著人成長的電影,是因為從影片中我們能看到自己的成長。就像主人公辛巴一樣,幼年無憂無慮,調皮而勇敢,昂頭高唱「i will be lion king」。後來受到叔叔刀疤的背叛和陷害,流浪他鄉。在絕望之時,遇到了丁滿和彭彭,體會到了友情的珍貴。而與娜娜的巧然相遇使他收獲了愛情。在巫師法拉奇的開導和父親靈魂的召喚下,辛巴終於鼓起勇氣去面對過去,承擔屬於他的責任。當得知真相後,他所表現出來的憤怒和無畏,再現了父親身上的王者風范。最後,他站在榮耀岩上,帶領族人開始了新的時代。人又何嘗不是如此,從年幼單純到成熟事故,但無論如何只有在堅強的經歷過人生道路上的種種不幸和荊棘,才能真正明白友情的珍貴,愛的美好,才能從容得分清是非,感受生命的意義…每當感到失落時,我們應該想想辛巴的成長,「You can』t change the past.」但是你可以為未來做好准備。 《獅子王》帶給人內心成長的共鳴,同時也引發了人們對生命規律的新的思考。正如影片中所說「Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.」「Look at stars. Simba,The Great Kings of Past are looking down on us from those stars. So, whenever you feel alone, just remember that The Great Kings are always be there to guide you. And so will I.」 總之,《獅子王》對於我來說實在是太重要的一部電影,我希望有一天能真正去感受一下非洲大草原的生生不息,回味這段故事。當面對我人生中的挫折時,說一句:HAKUNA MATATA… 另:電影音樂的製作是由世界頂級音樂製作人艾爾頓·約翰

③ 關於五部電影的有關禮儀的影評




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④ 你的名字英語影評

All encounters are reunions after a long separation. We are in the same place, but because of different time and space, we can't meet. We must believe that we will meet. Even if I forget your name, I will recognize you. Your name evokes the hibernating beast in my youth, and governs the cowardice in my heart. Your name is the effort to meet someone regardless of the dislocation of time and space, and the courage to take the first step even if the other party forgets himself after meeting. Your name, left the fetters!
It tells the story of a woman who lives in a small town. She is tired of the life in the small town and doesn't want to be the successor of guanshui shrine, but yearns for the life in the big city of Tokyo and wants to be a handsome boy in Tokyo. She had a strange dream. She exchanged her body with a boy in Tokyo. The boy living in Tokyo also had the same strange dream.
Later, the exchange between the man and the woman disappeared, and the man returned to his normal life, but he always felt what he had lost? What he wanted to look for? Was it something or someone? In short, he was always looking for it.
The wife of the woman is small, the fruit, and the small size of the life of the woman in the last three years. In the ignorance, the man, the woman, and the dark, the woman who rescued, and the other woman, and the remaining hope, and the other, and the mouth, and the mouth, and it was a little before the fall.
When they wake up, they forget each other's name and drown in the crowd. But in the last scene, the man and the woman meet at the steps. The man turns around and asks, "where have I seen you?" and the woman answers, "so have I.
This fetter is the flashing red rope in the stream of people, the cold wine in the stomach, the loneliness after the bright fall, and the handwriting that cannot be wiped off by the palm of the hand.
No matter which day I will find you, lvqian or Mie, someone will live in each other's body. You have me in your heart and I have you. Your Name.

⑤ 納尼亞的影評

《納尼亞魔法王國》:還童話以純粹 最近IMDB上非常熱鬧:隨著《哈立波特4》與《納尼亞魔法王國》的相繼上映,連同前幾年《指環王》系列所帶來的不可磨滅的印象,關於誰影響了誰、以及誰更具有經典魅力的爭論,也就不可避免了。 爭論歸爭論,有些基本點大家還都是認同的。首先,《指環王》系列無論在架空世界的設定上,還是在主題與內容的嚴肅性上,都與其他兩部區別開來。這倒不是說《指環王》系列因為其深度就一定更優秀,而是說後兩部所針對的目標觀眾群,在年齡段上是要偏小一些。《哈立波特》與《納尼亞》,更像是帶有魔幻色彩的童話,不具有《指環王》那樣厚重的史詩氣質。進一步而言,在主題色彩上,《哈》與《納》也有細微的差別,《哈立波特》系列越來越傾向於玩弄黑暗的詭異樂趣,《納尼亞》則更像經典童話般展現光明的力量。 曲徑通幽 所以,從光明與正義必勝的角度來說,《納尼亞》比《哈立波特》系列更「適合」10歲以下兒童觀看;更何況,隨著「哈立波特」們步入煩惱多多的青少年期,那份只有童話中才存在的「純真」也在逐漸消退,不過在《納尼亞》中,至少在這第一集里,那份久違的童真還是完整無暇的。 童話世界的設定與純粹魔幻世界的設定,最大的一個不同,是童話里的奇異世界,是與我們生活的現實世界有連通性的,是現實世界的一部分,而不是憑空設立的。像《哈立波特》里的魔法學校,就可以通過普通車站里的神秘牆壁進入,而神奇廣袤的「納尼亞」世界,就隱藏在一個巨大的衣櫥里。 「衣櫥」的概念,對於西方觀眾來說,是個很重要的設定。中國觀眾最熟悉的是衣櫃,或者頂多是個淺淺的壁櫥,在我們的腦海里,是沒有能夠走進去的衣櫥的概念的。但是,這個概念,對於西方觀眾來說,則是最家常的印象。由於西方家庭中衣櫥的寬敞、幽深,又由於衣服的遮掩效果以及掛在衣架上空盪盪的衣服所仍然帶有的「人」的氣息,都讓衣櫥對於心智還不完全成熟的兒童來說,顯得特別神秘,總有一份恐懼但同時又抑制不住想探尋究竟的心理。可以說,「衣櫥情結」,在西方世界的每個人身上,都是或多或少存在的,由衣櫥來開啟一個童話世界,是最合適不過的了。 雖然缺少「衣櫥情結」,但作為根紅苗壯的中國人的我,還是不由自主地為影片通往魔幻之地的步伐所吸引。可以說,影片前半部分的經歷,是我最喜歡的,這種興致勃勃、充滿新奇的感覺,以前只有在看《哈立波特》第一集時才有過。 兒童眼裡的世界,只有簡單的好與壞,這是他們幼稚的一面,同時也是可愛的一面。「納尼亞」就是這樣一個簡單的世界:一方是代表正義的獅王阿斯蘭(Aslan),一方是代表邪惡的白女巫(White Witch),我們可愛小主人公要做的,就是如何幫助正義戰勝邪惡。雖然以成人的角度來看,幾個黃毛孩子領導各個種族戰士,打敗老奸巨猾的女巫,扭轉整個世界的乾坤,這樣的故事也未免太「幼稚」,但是,唯其「幼稚」,才是真正原汁原味的童話視角。有哪個人小時候沒有夢想過成為拯救世界的大英雄呢?從這個意義上說,《納尼亞》所還原和喚起的,才是最純粹的童夢。唯其簡單,才能容納並啟發兒童的好奇心,展開也許是他們人生初次探險之旅。 手足情深 說《納尼亞》設定簡單,並不代表影片沒有多層次的內容。其實,與深入一個陌生的魔法世界相比,四個小主人公的內心旅程以及他們之間的關系成長,才是讓小觀眾們長久回味的「戲肉」。 作為主人公的四兄妹中,最小的露西(Lucy)和最大的彼得(Peter),最為誠實正直,富於責任心。當然,他們的正直還是建立在不同的基礎之上的,彼得已經懂得了很多世界的規矩,是他自己理性地選擇站在正義的一方;而露西是以最純潔的兒童的眼光看世界,是對任何事物最天真的愛使她要捍衛美麗與自由。處於中間年齡層的蘇珊(Susan)和愛德蒙(Edmond),則要稍微復雜一些,蘇珊很聰明,但有時候太過聰明以至於有些難以顧全大局;愛德蒙則有些愛貪小便宜,因此容易被誘惑。 影片將他們四人的性格都刻畫得很生動,雖然在看電影過程中,觀眾不會注意到非常明顯的個性描繪的段落,但這種刻畫是在不知不覺中、通過一系列事件以及每一個微小的動作完成的。從人物性格影響故事發展的角度而言,首先讓我驚喜的,是原著以及影片對於愛德蒙「十足」經歷描繪之深入。原以為只是一般的小孩貪心罷了,沒想到還牽涉到背叛與救贖等兒童題材一般難以承受的話題。不過,幸好影片對這一線索的描繪,還是基於兒童天性的。這樣一種演繹,即使是和電影中愛德蒙同齡的小觀眾們,也是比較容易理解的。 當然,全片最大的亮點,還是可愛的小露西。客觀地說來,這個小女孩長得一點也不漂亮,甚至算是四兄妹中長得最一般的一個,但是她的天真純潔彌補了一切外形上的平凡,以至於讓人反過來覺得她就應該長這個樣子才最可愛,如果面貌太漂亮了反倒會影響到觀眾對她朴實內心的感覺。事實上我對本片的喜愛,有一大半來自於這個天真的小姑娘,就像當初對《哈立波特》第一集的喜愛也是因為高傲聰明的赫敏一樣。不過,露西顯然比赫敏更隨和一些,某種程度上甚至像個兒童版的「聖母」,彷佛電影將兒童所有美好的東西都寄託在她身上了,而扮演露西的小演員喬姬亨麗(Georgie Henley),也的確傳神地表達出角色那種雖然弱小但能照亮他人心靈的陽光,那種只屬於童年的純真與溫暖。毫不客氣的說,露西就是本片中的天使。 影片中的手足情深,對於西方聖誕這樣一個強調家庭價值的節日來說,是最適合不過了。一般來說,我是比較反感「為聖誕而聖誕」的那些所謂家庭喜劇的,雖然看起來很搞笑,但是那種想通過娛樂來說教的好萊塢濫俗手法,足以讓我大倒胃口。價值,是誰都會灌輸的;但好的價值宣揚,不是通過「曉之以理」,而是通過「動之以情」。《納尼亞》從兄妹情誼入手,讓小觀眾們在感同身受的同時,非常自然地接受了勇氣、智慧、寬恕等有助於成長的價值觀,即使像我這樣的成人看起來,也能覺得受到鼓舞。 神人如一 對於路易斯(C.S.Lewis)的原著小說,人們向來是有爭論的。學者們普遍認為,在《納尼亞》系列小說中,含有基督教故事與人物的隱喻;為此,迪斯尼要將此書拍成電影時,還曾收到激進團體的抗議,認為在一部童話電影中灌輸宗教意識,有違現代政治「政教分離」的原則。 在筆者看來,那部分抗議人士有些過分敏感了。關於《納尼亞》中的宗教隱喻的爭論,其實就像去年《耶穌受難記》(The Passion of the Christ)中猶太人形象的傳聞一樣,都有點神經過敏了。傳說中獅王阿斯蘭復活的場景,並沒有多讓人聯想到耶穌的復活;雖然他們的「犧牲」同樣都有「救贖」的意味,但「救贖」就一定是基督教的專利么?我們東方文化中,也有「捨己救人」之說,佛家「捨身飼虎」,也是一種「犧牲」。可以說,「自我犧牲」是全人類都具有的一種高尚行為,和具體的宗教無關,或者說,具體的宗教只是以自己的教義給予「犧牲」以不同的演繹而已。宗教的本源就是世俗的和自然的,「上帝」與「魔鬼」們只不過是世人的另類投射罷了。 從這個角度來看,《納尼亞》根本就沒有什麼宗教別扭,而是很純粹的童話,編導有意削弱了原著中有可能引起誤解的宗教意味,四兄妹的舉動更多是愛心與熱心的結果,而不是受什麼高尚的道義驅使。個人認為這種表現方式很是可取,不僅有助於降低影片欣賞的門檻,更有利於片中「人」的形象和其他角色的「人情味」得以凸顯。 雲淡風輕 拋開主題與表現方式的因素,尤其是對於那些沒讀過原著、也不了解原著的非西方觀眾來說,影片的視覺效果可能才是最大的賣點。不過,在提及畫面之前,我想先表揚一下該片的音樂,尤其是幾段女聲哼唱,不同於以往電影中女生的縹緲神秘,本片中的音樂人聲片斷,顯得很親切而悠揚,這就進一步加深了影片「童話」特質的親切性。另外,影片中「山羊人」塔木勒斯給初到「納尼亞」的露西演奏的那種神秘樂器,也非常悅耳,雖然只有一分鍾左右的時間,但是的確具有引人入勝的效果。 然而,在大動態、激烈場景的音樂方面,影片倒不是特別突出。比較遺憾的是,影片的視覺效果,也有這個特點。 從視覺風格的整體設定來看,本片還不是特別細膩自然,無論是地貌環境,還是怪獸生物,給人的感覺都太干凈、整潔,帶有明顯的攝影棚和CG虛擬的痕跡,不像在那個世界中生活了多年的樣子。值得一說的,是水獺夫婦,這是兩只完全由電腦生成的擬人化小動物,喜劇效果還不錯,為小主人公們的驚險之旅提供了不少輕松場景。最值得一提的,是創造出獅王阿斯蘭優雅尊貴的儀態,配合萊亞姆尼森(Liam Neeson)的魅力嗓音,阿斯蘭的一舉一動,的確體現出睥睨天下的王者氣派。 但是,影片的大場面不是很令人滿意。特別是結尾那場讓觀眾等待了近兩個鍾頭的正邪大戰,沒有意料中的震撼效果。從鏡頭運動方式來看,這一段場景也許和《指環王3:王者歸來》中的沖鋒場景沒有太大區別,但是缺乏讓觀眾投入的情感號召力。觀眾們更多地是在「欣賞」一場精彩的大戰,卻沒有動力將自己「認同」為殊死搏鬥的英雄。如果動作場面難以激發觀眾的情感,那就純粹只是視覺糖果而已。何況從技術角度來看,這一段場景也拍得頗為凌亂,缺乏足夠的緊湊感。怪獸物種雖多,但都亂糟糟的;鏡頭沉迷於瀏覽戰場的只鱗片爪,卻不能給人一種把握全局的觀感,也就失去了大場面應有的氣勢,越看越像游戲畫面了。這一切都使得最後的大戰輕飄飄的,缺乏質感和力度。 不過,我又懷疑這種失望是否源於我過分挑剔的成人眼光。因為對於該片的目標觀眾群——10歲左右的兒童而言,他們是沒有能力辨別特效場景的好壞與真實與否的,只要畫面將他們腦海中熟悉的事件表現出來就行了。從這個意義上來說,《納尼亞》和《哈立波特》一樣,他們或多或少還缺乏「史詩」的氣質,特效場面只能說是完成了工作,但要說到多出色或者代表該領域的最先進成果,那是沒有的。也許對於他們自身的「童話」氣質而言,這樣的效果反而是最好的,能看出來的「不完全真實」的效果,反而拉進了和小朋友們的距離,讓他們能和銀幕上的動作場景保持適當的心理距離,而不至於被嚇倒或造成不必要的負面影響。 看《納尼亞》是需要保持童心的,如果要以成人所謂的「縝密」思維去思考,那原著乃至電影的基礎設定都無法存在。事實上,電影最吸引我的就是它的「童心」部分,所以我才著迷於電影前半段逐漸發現納尼亞的過程,以及被露西這個閃爍著最真誠「童心」的角色所吸引。也許,對於《納尼亞》最好的評價就是:因為「純粹」,所以「可貴」。
I was fortunate enough to attend an advanced screening and was magnificently surprised. The film was beautifully made. The acting/voices were all wonderful, including the young talent. I think all ages will be entertained. The story contains important lessons for children, but also relevant reminders for alts. I also think attempts to compare the film to Lord of the Rings and/or Harry Potter would be unfortunate for all parties. They are each uniquely wonderful. Make sure you see this!
By the way, make sure you stay through the end credits to hear a beautiful song Alanis Morisette wrote especially for the film.
This is something you wouldn't want to miss. If you thoroughly enjoyed the first film, then this one is a darker adventure than the first one. Everything in Narnia goes totally out of control and tough to handle.
The film starts off with a Spanish group who have invaded Narnia and wiped out all the creatures living there. As it goes, the Pevensie kids are summoned to Narnia to fix up the wrong doings. A lot of conspiracy is thrown into the movie, but it feels like a plot well presented. It's pace is quick and starts right off not waiting to re-introce everything again.
The cast is absolutely fantastic. The Pevensie kids, just like the last time, add the right amount of drama and humor to their respective roles. Especially Georgie Henley who plays Lucy is the standout yet again. But a worthy addition would also be Prince Caspian, played by Ben Barnes. He acts like a courageous and brave Prince born to lead an army. This is a good breakthrough for him. Also worth mentioning is King Miraz, a great villain since Tilda Swinton. As for a few cameo appearances you should also look out for, the performances are remarkable.
The other outstanding details I loved to see yet again in the film were the Cinematography, The Proction Design, and Visual Effects. The shots were lavish and grand. Specially the Long shots, reminded me of The Lord Of The Rings. The Art Direction and the locations are astounding, very vibrant and unlike anything you would have ever seen in film. And of course the Visual Effects, those everlasting details adds another level entirely. You will love watching all this come together.
Even the action and battle sequences feel like a last stand to something no one can win. Its against all odds. You would cringe just because of the turn the film takes. It is filled with dark themes and more mature elements which would be a little hard to take. You might feel that the first one was pretty good. But give it another chance and you would feel this movie is just as good as the first.
For what I feel, this is a really good movie. 9 out of 10. Go to Narnia.

⑥ !!!!急求英語電影的英語影評

It was just sooooo great! So much fun, too!! It's like every high school musical theater junkie's dream. Everyone was just excellent and the directing was superb. And I love the message this movie sends to young minds, that you explore other facets of expression other than the one that's socially acceptable. And I love the little undertones and subtleties throughout the film. And I love how all the tough mean hard guys are CLEARLY dancers in real life. I was muy impressed!! Everything and everyone was perfect. From the clothes, casting, choreography, sets.... it all looks like a dream. And in beautiful clear New Mexico. Who could want anything more!
I have seen this movie easily a half a dozen times, and I find that the beauty of the film is how Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, including the audience, he also manages to retain that innocence and purity through some very difficult times. As a Viet Nam veteran, and a college graate of the late Sixties, I could of course personally relate to the various periods that Forrest Gump enres. I would only mention that the skillful and seamless blending of music, action, and period costume was enthralling. And yet it was so perfectly understated that Forrest Gump's travels through thirty five years of the stormiest and most meaningful years of American history only became clearly defined for the viewer. Even more so than the well known chocolates quote as a metaphor for life, I felt that the remark that stupid is what you do is probably more workable for most of us.
The folks who actually like this movie are the reason Hollywood makes very few quality movies any more. If you don't care then why should they? This movie is so bad from the beginning. Numerous tornadoes pummeling a West Coast city and there are actually people flying in helicopters to get a closer look. That's a brainy idea. Buildings freezing and crumbling yet the people outside don't seem to be affected so much. The "walk" from Philadelphia to New York? And in record time no less. I do like the fact that they had the foresight to have Antarctic weather gear handy for just these occasions. What of the tent that was able to withstand the chill but not the Empire State building? Call your local Army Navy store....they really need to stock these tents. I also found it amazing that any lines of communications were not really affected, including the under freezing water pay phone. The only ones who had communications losses were, of course, the main characters.....ah drama!! I know they were in a library but you think they could have possibly tried to burn all the wooden tables and chairs around them? Seems that they would burn warmer and for longer than books. The acting was horrific, the directing was terrible, the script was unbelievably bad and the special effects were anything but special. It certainly rates up there with Godzilla 2000 and Armageddon......it actually makes Independence Day look like one of the all time greats!
I remember seeing this movie for the first time in late 2003, and I was impressed. I saw it again last night, and I was even more impressed. The acting is amazing, and the ending was brilliant. For me, all my guesses were incorrect. Everything that happens in this movie in unpredicted. The last half hour itself was highly unpredictable, and it had a powerful message. When a scene was meant to be dramatic, they did a great job at it. I don't know about everybody else, but the ending did make me cry. The message the movie sent kept me thinking for a while. The amount of courage and bravery was inconceivable, there was barely any faults or anything wrong with the movie. For a movie of 1995, they did a great job.

I absolutely guarantee this movie to anybody who enjoys action and war with a bit of drama mixed in. One of the best, or maybe even the best movie of the 20th century.
I thought this movie was very well done. It is an overlooked treasure. Ron Howard is a great film maker and he deserves more credit for this film. I'm a huge Ron Howard fan and I felt that this film was no better than any of his work done thus far. The dialog was a bit hard to understand, but the plot, acting and directing are what make the movie so great. Nicole Kidman is so beautiful in the movie and she really carries the movie with her charisma. Tom Cruise plays his part very well. The scenery in the movie is some of the best I've ever seen. It is easy to lose yourself in this movie. I would recommend this movie to anyone I know.

This is the type of a film that's never boring no matter how often you watch it. It deserved every single award it got. It's touching, it's timeless and it's downright beautiful. I'm not a huge friend of extended versions because there's usually a perfectly good reason to take something out of the film and none whatsoever to put it back again, if pleasing hardcore fans isn't a good reason - that's totally a matter of opinion. However, "Dances with wolves" is certainly an exception.

The nearly four hour version is the only one to be. Sure it sounds like it's too much but when you watch the movie it doesn't look a minute overlong and cutting even a second out of it would seem like a horrible crime. The original theater version was 52 minutes shorter which sound too cruel to be true. I mean really, what's there to cut? If you haven't seen "Dances with wolves" yet you have missed one of the greatest motion picture experiences of the 90's and you should do something about it instantly.


⑦ 電影英文影評


Rarely does a movie let you forget who you are and become the main character. This is one of those rare movies.

The movie starts out with a story that every Santa believer experienced. On Christmas eve a boy in Grand Rapids Michigan has reached the age where the statistical impossibility in the Santa story ( the size and speed of Santa's sleigh, the north pole being a barren wasteland) are causing him to doubt the big mans existence. Not knowing for sure the boy drifts into a deep sleep. At 11:55 PM the boy is awakened by the arrival of the Polar Express literally outside his front door. Going to investigate what is going on the boy meets the witty conctor of the Christmas eve train. (Tom Hanks)who informs him that the train is headed to the north pole so the kids can meet Santa Clause. Not totally sure that the train is going to the north pole but to curious to let it go the boy climbs on board. The adventure puts the boy in contact with a girl who is a natural born leader and who's belief in the Christmas magic couldn't be stronger. Other characters include a know it all socially awkward boy, a young underprivileged loner who has never experienced the magic of Christmas and a cast of other more mysterious characters such a a hobo ghost. Through the adventure the combination of great music, flawless animation and fantastic dialog really make you believe you are there and let you relive those days when you thought Santa Clause just might exist. The story ends on Christmas day with a line (narrated by Tom Hanks) about belief that brings back those kid on Christmas eve chills all over again. The themes of belief and friendship are a strong theme in the movie and part of the magic that brings you back to a time when you did believe.Its a great movie for children and alts alike and rekindles the Christmas magic that us alts lost many years ago.

⑧ 電影《新世界》的影評







我留下腳印,讓後人來追尋。寫到這里,想起了女主角的一句話,Why dose this world have colors?


一個月沒有看電影,這還是第一次,在昨天終於把自己買的碟翻出來,隨手翻到《NEW WORLD》(新世界)。說起這部電影,真正吸引我的,還是封面及其以前看的電影介紹的片段。便猜想應該是部不錯的電影。然而當整部電影看完,才發現,這部電影與想像中的相去甚遠。






看完電影,讓我們來想想女主角說的那句話:「Why dose this world have colors?」……

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