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發布時間: 2021-03-06 02:35:59

㈠ 中央舞台2 貝拉 的真名和資料

Rachele Brooke Smith Rachele Brooke Smith
Rachele Brooke Smith 出生:1987-11-07 美國,亞利桑那州 性別:女 身高:5英尺6 重量:118 年齡范圍:16 - 24 體質:運動 頭發顏色:棕色 頭發長度:及肩 眼睛:綠色 種族:白人 語音類型:女高音 Rachele Brooke Smith 是一名來自美國的舞蹈演員。出生於1987年11月7日Tracy 和Dr. Kris Smith家庭,神經外科醫生。她在五個孩子中排行第二。長大後,追求多樣化的個性發展,興趣從滑雪到霹靂舞。Simth 2006畢業於Shadow Mountain High School ,隨後受教育於Provo, Utah 的Brigham Young University。目前,她通過the University of Phoenix 的網上教學主修心理學,並繼續獲得人力資源和管理碩士學位。 她首次觸電是在2008年Center Stage: Turn It Up (中央舞台2)中勝任Kate Parker一角。 令人印象深刻的舞蹈(爵士舞,街舞,芭蕾舞,現代舞,霹靂舞)與她驚人的美麗結合起來。最近,她出現在兩位傑出音樂藝術家,John Legend和Andre 3000視頻。 目前居住在洛杉磯,她的空閑時間花在運動,跳舞,滑雪,滑板,旅遊,打網球。常活躍於地方教會作為志願者幫助那些無家可歸和有需要的兒童。 Filmography 影片目錄 Film
Year Film Role Notes
2008 Center Stage: Turn It Up Kate Parker Main Role
Bedtime Stories Featured
2009 Fired Up! Tiger Dancer #8

17 Again Hammer Dancer #1

Attack at Zombie High!' Amber

Bring It On: Fight to the Finish Avery

A Christmas Carol Dancer
Year Title Role Notes
2008 Eli Stone Guest appearance

㈡ 求電影《中央舞台2》高清版,百度雲的。謝謝!回答好可以再加分。


㈢ 中央舞台2中最後他們跳的芭蕾歌曲是什麼

"you belong", the skies of america (end title credits)

㈣ 電影[中央舞台2]寫一篇觀後感



記得多年前曾經被它的前作打動過,尤其是最後的那段現代芭蕾舞至今仍記憶猶新。無意中在網上看到了這部續作,於是滿懷期待的當了下來,並迫不及待的看完了,結果卻失望之極。與第一集比起來這部續集在芭蕾的基礎上增加了一些街舞的元素,但總體感覺卻比第一集差許多,無論是故事情節、舞蹈還是演員的表現都跟第一集不是一個檔次的。看過第一集的就別看了,至於沒看過第一集的同志,推薦先看二再看一,這樣感覺或許會好些,呵呵。 []

㈥ 跪求中央舞台2女主角的個人資料!!!!

中文名稱:歌舞青春/高校音樂劇 英文名稱:High School Musical 發行時間:2006年 電影導演:Kenny Ortega 電影演員:Zac Efron、Vanessa Anne Hudgens、Corbin Bleu、Monique Coleman、Lucas Grabeel、Bart Johnson、Malinda Money、Alison Reed、Alyson Reed、Ryne Sanborn、Andrew Seeley、Ashley Tisdale、Chris Warren Jr 地區:美國 語言:英語 長度:98 Mins 主演:Zac Efron 飾演 Troy Vanessa Anne Hudgens 飾演 Gabriella Corbin Bleu 飾演 Chad Monique Coleman 飾演 Taylor Ashley Tisdale 飾演 Sharpay 由 Kenneth Ortega 執導,於猶他州的鹽湖城拍攝,兩位主角 Troy 及 Gabriella 分別由 Zac Efron 及 Vanessa Anne Hudgens 演出,主角們的好友 Chad 及 Taylor 則分別由 Corbin Bleu 及 Monique Coleman 擔任,Sharpay 一角由在迪士尼影集【小查與寇弟的頂級生活】中扮演 Maddie Fitzpatrick 的 Ashley Tisdale 飾演,其他演員包括 Lucas Grabeel 、Alyson Reed 、Bart Johnson 、Chris Warren Jr. …等。 幾位年輕演員都因為演出本片而炙手可熱,本片所引起的風潮可見一斑! 內容梗概 故事主角Troy Bolton是個籃球天才,自小以籃球為目標,他的父親兼教練,指引著他。Gabriella Montez 則是難得的理科奇才,她取得了不少驚人的成績而且心地善良。他們兩人本是兩個不同世界的人,在除夕假期的一個卡拉OK比賽中,將重唱發揮的淋漓盡致。假期結束後,他們更發覺原來就讀於同一學校!學校音樂劇角色的選拔也即將開始,於是 Troy 及 Gabriella 打算參加試音,希望成為學校最新音樂劇的男女主角。由於籃球比賽和學術比賽漸漸逼近,這都關繫到學校的榮譽。為了能讓Troy一心投入籃球比賽,讓Gabriella認真准備學術全能比賽,籃球隊成員和學術社成員聯合起來勸阻他們退出音樂劇的選拔。Gabriella 新認識的朋友 Taylor McKessie 及 Troy 的好友兼支持者 Chad Danforth 知道消息後均表示不贊成,Chad 不希望見到自己的籃球偶像登上舞台,而 Taylor 則擔心自己帶領的學術比賽隊伍將失去一個重要的隊員。一向都是學校音樂劇主角的 Sharpay Evans 及 Ryan Evans 亦擔心自己在學校的地位將受動搖千方百計地策劃計謀阻止他們參加角色選拔。雖然如此,但 Troy 及 Gabriella 並沒有因此而放棄,反而更積極追尋自己的夢想,亦影響到其他同學向別人展示一些他們一直隱藏起來的才華!後來,隊友們體會到了扼殺朋友的夢想是殘忍的,於是重新給予他們鼓勵和幫助,Troy的父親也清楚地了解到兒子的倔強和夢想,於是對他說:「只要你快樂就好!」這給了Troy很大的動力,Gabriella也開始有了信心。 Sharpay 和 Ryan 將音樂劇選拔賽時間惡意更改,使籃球賽、學術全能比賽和音樂劇選拔賽同時舉行。出乎意料的是,隊友們信誓旦旦地向他們保證一定會讓他們參加比賽。籃球賽的計分器突然發生故障,學術比賽中化學物品產生毒氣使兩項比賽暫停。當 Troy 和 Gabriella 趕到劇場,音樂劇選拔已經結束,在兩人和鋼琴家的懇求下,他們終於獲准參賽,所有的隊友都到場為他們鼓勵。 Gabriella 和 Troy 唱出了令人驚嘆的水平,最終獲得了冠軍。在籃球賽和學術比賽中他們因為勇氣再次獲勝。 Sharpay 和 Ryan 認識到自己的錯誤並真誠祝賀他們, Gabriella 和 Troy 原諒了他們並和他們成為朋友,對未來充滿了信心和期待。 觀後感受 身為籃球天才的男孩 Troy 並沒有排斥眾人的希望,也沒有放棄追求的夢想,成為一個快樂自信的人。 Gabriella 的智力超群,她將學習和興趣很好地兼顧,因為她有別人給予的鼓勵和信賴。 Troy 有了朋友的支持和父親的理解,從一個除籃球之外閉口不談的男孩變成一個熱情合群的人。他們用音樂表達自己的想法。看了這部影片,我們明白了一個道理:凡事不要被局部影響而導致自己無法在競爭中真正快樂,只有勇於面對,才能得到自己希望的結果。

㈦ 求《中央舞台2》中插曲

"Raise The Barre", Laura Karpman f/ Messa (opening dance sequence)
"Give It All I've Got", Bekki Friesen (second main title song)
"Balloon", Sara Haze (Kate sees she hasn't been accepted to ABA)
"You Should Be Gone", Christelle Radomsky (first song at nightclub)
"Turn Around", Soul P (second song at club in the background)
"Burnin'", Ms. Triniti (first song Kate dances to at the club)
"I Ain't Goin Nowhere", Soul P (song in background immediately follow Kate's dance)
"Num Num", The DNC (plays in background at club as Tommy asks Kate for help)
"Loosen Up", Golden f/ Sophia Shorai (Kate tutors Tommy)
"Mista Ambarosia", The Spectaculars (plays in club as Suzanne and crew arrive)
"Don't Sweat", Ms. Triniti f/ Qmillion (remake of
"Don't Sweat the Technique" recorded specifically for this movie; plays as Kate and Tommy throw down at the club)
"Paper Plane", Lucy Schwartz (plays at end of ice cream scene in Kate's apt)
"A Part In That Show", Chris Joss (training montage)
"Act Like You Want It", X5 f/ Mr. Fang (plays in bg at club before Kate's angry dance)
"Inside Outside", Miss Eighty 6 (Kate dances to this song at the club before Cooper arrives)
"Swing Baby Swing", The DNC (Kate and Cooper's et at the club)
"Nobody Hot As Me", KU (song in bg after Kate and Cooper's et)
"Rainmaker", Sara Haze (Kate runs through streets)
"Ten Things To Prove", Amali Ward (Kate's little sister dances at the club)
"24", Jem (Swan Lake performance near end of picture)
"You Belong", The Skies of America (end title credits)

㈧ 中央舞台2所有的歌曲


"Raise The Barre", Laura Karpman f/ Messa (opening dance sequence)
"Give It All I've Got", Bekki Friesen (second main title song)
"Balloon", Sara Haze (Kate sees she hasn't been accepted to ABA)
"You Should Be Gone", Christelle Radomsky (first song at nightclub)
"Turn Around", Soul P (second song at club in the background)
"Burnin'", Ms. Triniti (first song Kate dances to at the club)
"I Ain't Goin Nowhere", Soul P (song in background immediately follow Kate's dance)
"Num Num", The DNC (plays in background at club as Tommy asks Kate for help)
"Loosen Up", Golden f/ Sophia Shorai (Kate tutors Tommy)
"Mista Ambarosia", The Spectaculars (plays in club as Suzanne and crew arrive)
"Don't Sweat", Ms. Triniti f/ Qmillion (remake of "Don't Sweat the Technique" recorded specifically for this movie; plays as Kate and Tommy throw down at the club)
"Paper Plane", Lucy Schwartz (plays at end of ice cream scene in Kate's apt)
"A Part In That Show", Chris Joss (training montage)
"Act Like You Want It", X5 f/ Mr. Fang (plays in bg at club before Kate's angry dance)
"Inside Outside", Miss Eighty 6 (Kate dances to this song at the club before Cooper arrives)
"Swing Baby Swing", The DNC (Kate and Cooper's et at the club)
"Nobody Hot As Me", KU (song in bg after Kate and Cooper's et)
"Rainmaker", Sara Haze (Kate runs through streets)
"Ten Things To Prove", Amali Ward (Kate's little sister dances at the club)
"24", Jem (Swan Lake performance near end of picture)
"You Belong", The Skies of America (end title credits)

㈨ 求《中央舞台》這部電影的下載資源最好是幾部都有的。


ftp://dygod1:[email protected]:1175/中央舞台2DVD/[電影天堂www.dytt8.net].中央舞台2DVD中英雙字幕.rmvb


辛苦搜索,請為我採納!謝謝 有什麼請留言

㈩ 電影中央舞台2的音樂~

我也在找這電影的原聲,貌似有點難度。 = =

"Raise The Barre", Laura Karpman f/ Messa (opening dance sequence)
"Give It All I've Got", Bekki Friesen (second main title song)
"Balloon", Sara Haze (Kate sees she hasn't been accepted to ABA)
"You Should Be Gone", Christelle Radomsky (first song at nightclub)
"Turn Around", Soul P (second song at club in the background)
"Burnin'", Ms. Triniti (first song Kate dances to at the club)
"I Ain't Goin Nowhere", Soul P (song in background immediately follow Kate's dance)
"Num Num", The DNC (plays in background at club as Tommy asks Kate for help)
"Loosen Up", Golden f/ Sophia Shorai (Kate tutors Tommy)
"Mista Ambarosia", The Spectaculars (plays in club as Suzanne and crew arrive)
"Don't Sweat", Ms. Triniti f/ Qmillion (remake of "Don't Sweat the Technique" recorded specifically for this movie; plays as Kate and Tommy throw down at the club)
"Paper Plane", Lucy Schwartz (plays at end of ice cream scene in Kate's apt)
"A Part In That Show", Chris Joss (training montage)
"Act Like You Want It", X5 f/ Mr. Fang (plays in bg at club before Kate's angry dance)
"Inside Outside", Miss Eighty 6 (Kate dances to this song at the club before Cooper arrives)
"Swing Baby Swing", The DNC (Kate and Cooper's et at the club)
"Nobody Hot As Me", KU (song in bg after Kate and Cooper's et)
"Rainmaker", Sara Haze (Kate runs through streets)
"Ten Things To Prove", Amali Ward (Kate's little sister dances at the club)
"24", Jem (Swan Lake performance near end of picture)
"You Belong", The Skies of America (end title credits)

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