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發布時間: 2021-03-15 22:58:08

❶ 外國電影長發公主觀後感60詞數,用英文寫。。。



❷ 長發公主觀後感——田又月




❸ 電影長發公主英文觀後感50字左右



❹ 看完《長發公主》,用英語寫讀後感100字左右

After reading the book called Cinderella, I was deeply impressed by its wonderful plot and characters.Cinderella lived a hard life before he met the Prince.She was abused by her stepmother,which is typically opposite to her sis...

❺ 英語 長發公主概括

The protagonist of the story is a girl with long hair, Leppe, whose hair is controlled by magic.


As a result, she grew up living in an isolated tower.


Until one day, Flynn Ryder, a handsome man and robber, came under the tower because of his strong hands.


It was found that the tower was the best hiding place, and he climbed it with his bare hands.


Little did you know that there was a beautiful girl on the tower, and they lived happily together after suffering.










❻ 英語作文:《長發公主》觀後感

This is a few days ago of movie, most recently this time nothing entertainment project, don't often open computer, mainly with no mouse home, opened the computer also can't play games, and also don't want to open computer.

Occasionally, they want to open a open watch a movie.

The original is a week, long time no see part, the feeling is like for a long time didn't eat them, a start cannot eat fatty food, should start from light, so I see first cartoon, just select this movie.

Is really a very easy comedy is also very romantic love story.

Especially Eugene take the princess went to see vowed a vow lamp, brought together, when light released me as a man also feel very romantic, let alone is never saw the princess, was intoxicated is very normal.

Visible want to make romantic, or many together to compare easy success, let the girl touched.

Small yue have an opinion, she thinks the witch is not very evil.

Because queen actually nor to princess done too much, just gave birth to her and she put wishing lamp each year for it.

And the witch care of her grow up, give her many what she wants, that she may be in a dangerous time, rushed to save her, etc...

This is all love her performance.

The witch is not very bad, just want to youth just, she has brought up the princess 18 years, had a similar to the mother and daughter emotion.

But I personally think is some other opinions.

Indeed, the witch compared with other fairy tale witch, is much better, she didn't harm others' lives, is just want youth just.

But I think the witch care she grew up, give all her what she wants, just want to let the princess obediently stay tower, will give the witch oneself forever youth just.

She's not really love her, without a mother and daughter of love.

Learned that the princess is dangerous, the witch immediately rushed to save her, it's not because she CARES about princess, but the princess long hair, care about their youth.

Indeed, the queen is the princess done without anything else, but if the princess had the opportunity, as a true happiness in the mother she wouldn't stop, and witch at this moment his true colours.

The more she had to show her the princess well hidden among the deep heart.

Love is not possession, love is for free.

The witch love is the princess hair, only this magical hair can only grow in the princess's head to have this kind of magic, so the witch forced to she good.

So I always think small yue you really is very kind, very easy to cheat and been hurt.

You will feel witch do this already very docile, her little in princess wanted to cut off her hair, but BeiJian hair will lose magic princess so also were stolen.

Assuming BeiJian also have magic after hair?

So the witch may not harm the princess.

From this Angle she was indeed very kind, just this kind is relative.

The real evil? Is the witch away after the princess to study how to carry the princess everyday hair after leaving the princess's magic, wait until she still has had this method is to cut off the princess's hair and then killed the princess, so just call real evil?

So the world really have a lot of people a fair face may hide a foul, small yue you can't too good eh...


= (I am for you just so say, you don't think I'm bad T.T) forehead...

From a certain Angle, Eugene cut for the long hair, the princess princess it instead is a relief, to this world very much, chasing villains of treasures you also many, so sometimes go in light isn't a bad thing.

Finally have to say is that the chameleon and call maxim horse was too funny!

The forehead, maxim robbed many scenes, mainly the punchline? In him.

This is a very relaxed very sweet cartoons, if can the people together and is good at the cinema, watching in very sweet atmosphere of two people hand in hand in a walk, feelings will get a lot of ascension.

But now I also can't...

Later should have the opportunity to...

❼ 長發公主的英語作文,80詞左右


❽ 英語作文:復述《長發公主》

This is the story of a girl named,Rapunzel.And it starts,with the sun.now,once upon a time,a singledrop of sunlight fell from the heavens.And from this small drop of sun,grew a magic,golden,flower.It had the ability to heal the sick,and injured.
Well,centuries pass and a hopskip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom.The kingdom was ruled by a belovedking and queen.And the queen,well she was aboutto have a baby,and she got sick,really,sick.She was running out of time.And that's when people usually start to look for a miracle.Or in this case,a magic golden flower.It have a woman,u see instead of sharing thesuns gift,this woman,Mother Gothel,hoarded its healing power and used it to keep herselfyoung for hundreds of years.And all she had to do,was sing a special song.
Flower gleam and glow,let ur power shine
Make the clock reverse,bring back what once was mine
What once was mine
All right,u get the jist.She sings to it,she turns young,creepy,right?
Then,the soldiers find the flower.The magic of the golden flower,healed the queen.A healthy baby girl,a princess was born.With beautiful golden hair.that's Rapunzel.To celebrate her birth,the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sty.And for that one moment,everything was perfect.And then that moment ended.Gothel broke into the castle,stole the child,and just like that...gone.The kingdom searched and searched,but they could not find the princess.For deep within the forest in a hidden tower.Gothel raised the child as her own.Gothel had found her new magic flower.But this time she was determined to keep it hidden.But the walls of that tower,could not hide everything.Each year on her birthday,the king and queen released thousands into the sky.In hope that one day,their lost princess,would return.
The year in princess eighteen,she meet Eugene,so she ask Eugene to bring her to go outside,because she was interesting in the shousands of lanterns.They meet many troubles and felt in love ring this period,but they also got some help,so,finally,they beat the woman Gothel,and back to the king queen side,Since then lead a happy life.

❾ 長發公主中文觀後感500字

其實我一直覺得動畫里的王子會長的很清秀、很帥氣,可是這個長著絡腮鬍子的「王子」卻也深深的吸引了我,風趣加上盜賊的他不再是有些童話裡面真正的王子,他是盜賊沒錯,但是,他也有善良的一面,也有追求愛情的勇氣,他也是長發姑娘心裡的那個王子。巫婆一直把長發姑娘當做自己的女兒看,靠她充滿魔法的金色頭發保持自己的容顏,她們的對話中有一段讓我印象深刻:「I love you」 「I love you more」 「I love you most」,這段話不斷重復著,像是在說明著說明。其實,巫婆養了公主這么多年,也是有感情的,將她困在高塔里也說明了巫婆對她過分的保護,而外面的世界和窗外的天燈是塔外社會和種種的誘惑。巫婆不斷警告對外面世界充滿憧憬的公主社會有多麼復雜,人心有多麼險惡,她會願意為女兒想吃的東西翻山越嶺好幾天,會在女兒陷入愛河神魂顛倒時警告女兒不惜與女兒翻臉,她會在警告女兒無用後緊緊跟著她等她自己受傷害後醒悟。這樣的巫婆雖然有惡地一面,但是她同樣充滿著母愛的天性。相反,公主的親生母親天天思念著公主,不見她回來,也不能盡到做母親的責任。

❿ 急求!!長發公主的英文簡短觀後感!

I have learned Rapunzel grows up into a creative young woman, finding numerous ways to keep herself entertained ring the day while Mother Gothel is away, including painting, cleaning, brushing, and playing hide and seek with her pet chameleon Pascal. Though she is happy with her life in the tower, she longs to someday explore the outside world and see the place where the floating lights in the sky come from.
Within the kingdom, standing on the roof of the castle, young thief Flynn Rider (Zachary Levi) goes over the plans to his latest heist with his associates, the Stabbington brothers (Ron Perlman). They lower Flynn into the throne room where the missing princess's prized tiara sits on a guarded pedestal. Flynn steals the priceless artifact and is hoisted back to the roof with the palace guards in pursuit, led by the Captain of the Guard and his loyal horse, Maximus. The thieves make it outside the kingdom and seek refuge in the forest but soon come to a dead end. The Stabbington brothers tell Flynn that, if he gives them the satchel with the tiara in it, they'll hoist him up to the high ledge above. Once at the top, they then command that Flynn help them up but Flynn reveals that he still has the tiara, placed in a second satchel. He leaves the brothers behind and runs into the forest. The next morning, Flynn wakes to see a soaking wet Maximus glaring angrily down at him. Maximus attempts to carry Flynn off but Rapunzel befriends the horse and convinces him to let Flynn stay with her until after she sees the floating lights. Maximus relents but accompanies the pair as they travel into the kingdom. The marketplace is alive with vendors and townsfolk preparing for the sky lantern festival and Rapunzel's hair is tightly braided to prevent it from dragging. While she and Flynn tour the kingdom, she notices a large tile portrait of the Royal family, including a baby with golden hair. Flynn finds himself growing fond of Rapunzel and, as the time for the lanterns to be released approaches, takes her out on a boat to the middle of the lake surrounding the castle. There, they watch in awe as the lights are released and the sky is filled with a soft orange glow. One lantern with a sun emblem on it floats down and Rapunzel gently pushes it back skyward. She then reveals the satchel she had been hiding to Flynn but, unlike what Mother Gothel predicted, he puts it aside and takes Rapunzel's hands in his.

Before they can kiss, Flynn spies the Stabbington brothers on the nearby shore. He rows the boat in, tells Rapunzel to wait, and goes to meet them with the satchel. Realizing that he cares more about Rapunzel than the tiara, he gives the satchel to the brothers but they reveal they're no longer interested in the tiara. While she waits by the boat, Rapunzel is shocked to see the Stabbington brothers approach. They tell her that Flynn betrayed her trust and point to his silhouette in a boat on the lake before attempting to kidnap her for her hair's power. Horrified, Rapunzel tries to run but her long hair gets caught on a tree log. Before the brothers can grab her, Mother Gothel appears and renders both of them unconscious. In tears and promising to never disobey her again, Rapunzel leaves with Mother Gothel back to the tower.
Beneath the tower, he calls out to Rapunzel and her hair is let down for him to climb. When he reaches the top, however, he finds Rapunzel bound and gagged in a chair. Before she can warn him, Gothel emerges from the shadows and stabs Flynn in the side with her dagger. He reels back, falling against a vanity mirror and breaking the glass. Gothel then tells Rapunzel that she will take her far away where no one will ever find her. Struggling against her gag, Rapunzel promises that she will go with Gothel willingly if she is allowed to heal Flynn. Gothel agrees and Rapunzel goes to the dying Flynn. Before she can begin singing he pulls her close and cuts her hair, using a shard of glass. With the enchantment broken, Rapunzel's hair turns into its normal brown and Gothel staggers back as her skin begins to wrinkle. Horrified by her reflection, she trips over some of Rapunzel's cut hair and falls out the window. By the time her cloak hits the ground, she's rapidly aged into a pile of ashes.

With his dying breath, Flynn tells Rapunzel that she was his new dream and she tells him the same. Crying over him, Rapunzel recites her song one last time. A lone tear falls from her eyes into Flynn's and the last bit of magic that remained in her revives him. The two lovers embrace and kiss before traveling together back to the castle where Rapunzel is reunited with her real parents. Flynn, now addressed by his true name, Eugene, is welcomed into the Royal family. He and Rapunzel are soon married and live happily ever after.

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