是1928年迪士尼繪制的動畫片《蒸汽船威利 》(也譯作《威利汽船》,《威廉號汽艇》)。這部動畫片於1928年11月18日在紐約首映,也是第一次向觀眾介紹米老鼠這一著名動畫人物。 實際上,迪士尼在同年先完成了全部有聲對白動畫片《飛機迷》,不過它發行於《蒸汽船威利》之後。
是迪士尼在1955年製作的《小姐與流氓》(Lady and the Tramp)。
是1937年迪士尼製作的《白雪公主》(Snow White and the Seven Dwafts)。
第一部Walt Disney的彩色動畫片
是1932年用三原色工藝製作的《花和樹》(Flowers and Trees),1932年7月在洛杉磯的格勞曼中國大戲院首映,它經常被人誤認為 是世界上第一部彩色動畫片。
是迪士尼製片廠拍攝的《狐狸和獵狗》(The Fox and the Hound)(1981),耗資一千萬美元。
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侍衛1:-That's enough. He's ready to talk.
{Clears throat}
姜餅人:-You are a monster.
gw:-I'm not the monster here. You are. You and the rest of that fairy tale trash, poisoning my perfect world. Now, tell me! Where are the others?
姜餅人:-Eat me!{Grunts}
gw:-I've tried to be fair to you creatures. Now my patience has reached its end! Tell me or I'll - -
姜餅人:-No, no, not the buttons. Not my gumdrop buttons.
gw:-All right then. Who's hiding them?
姜餅人:-Okay, I'll tell you. Do you know the muffin man?
gw:-The muffin man?
姜餅人:-The muffin man.
gw:-Yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane?
姜餅人:-Well, she's married to the muffin man.
gw:-The muffin man?
姜餅人:-The muffin man!
gw:-She's married to the muffin man.
{Door opens}
侍衛2:-My lord! We found it.
gw:-Then what are you waiting for? Bring it in.
{Man grunting}
gw:-Oh!Magic mirror!
姜餅人:-Don't tell him anything! {Ginerbread man whispers}No!(被扔出去了)
gw:-Evening. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all?
魔鏡:-Well, technically you're not a king.
gw:-Uh, Thelonius(侍衛1給一個大錘子).
gw:-You were saying?
魔鏡:-What I mean is, you're not a king yet. But you can become one. All you have to do is marry a princess.
gw:-Go on.
魔鏡:-So, just sit back and relax, my lord, because it's time for you to meet today's eligible bachelorettes. And here they are! Bachelorette number one is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hot tubbing anytime. Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her two evil sisters. Please welcome Cinderella.
魔鏡:-Bachelorette number two is a cape-wearing girl from the land of
fancy. Although she lives with seven other men, she's not easy. Just
kiss her dead, frozen lips and find out what a live wire she is. Come
on. Give it up for Snow White!
魔鏡:-And last, but certainly not last, bachelorette number three is a fiery redhead from a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by hot boiling lava! But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes pina colads and getting caught in the rain. Yours for the rescuing, Princess Fiona!
魔鏡:-So will it be bachelorette number one, bachelorette number two or bachelorette number three?
姜餅人:-Two! Two!
侍衛2&侍衛1:-Three! Three!
姜餅人:-Two! Two!
gw:-Three? One?
{Shudders} Three?
侍衛2&侍衛1:----Three! Pick number three, my lord!
gw: -Okay, okay, uh, number three!
魔鏡:-Lord Farquaad, you've chosen Princess Fiona.
If you like pina coladas
And getting caught in the rain
-Princess Fiona.
If you're not into yoga
gw: -She's perfect. All I have to do is just find someone who can go - -
魔鏡:-But I probably should mention the little thing that happens at night.
gw: -I'll do it.
魔鏡:-Yes, but after sunset - -
gw: -Silence! I will make this Princess Fiona my queen, and DuLoc will finally have the perfect king!Captain, assemble your finest men. We're going to have a tournament.
來源:http://www.cnpeiyin.com/newsInfo_608_1_4.shtml 希望我的回復能幫助到您,謝謝
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