㈠ 史密斯夫婦里有段對白「約翰在問珍妮有多少個」是什麼意思
㈡ 求 電影《史密斯夫婦》中的,一段對話翻譯。
意思就是 重復那個安吉麗娜朱莉說的話 Heya, stranger
㈢ 經典台詞 收集
1、我們要學會珍惜我們生命的每一天,因為,這每一天的開始,都將是我們餘下生命之中的第一天。除非我們即將死去。 《美國麗人》2、決定我們成為什麼樣人的,不是我們的能力,而是我們的選擇。《哈利·波特與密室》3、世事不能說死,有些事情總值得嘗試。永不輕言放棄,前總有望在等待。《放牛班的春天》4、競爭,因人而異,但是不管是好友競爭,還是生死決斗,結果是相同的,有贏家,也有輸家。但是訣竅是懂得去參加什麼樣的競爭,要知道什麼是勝利都是代價換來的。《絕望的主婦》5、人生沒有意外《意外》6、如果我手上沒有劍,我就無法保護你,如果我手裡一直握著劍,我就無法抱緊你。《死神》7、生命總會自己找到出路《侏羅紀公園》8、走到最後才會想想到最初。Go to the end that always remembers the origin.《史密斯夫婦》9、當某些事降臨與你時。 這些時候···不管你是否貌美如花···當他們走的時候都很醜陋。These moments, as beautiful as they are, they』re evil when they're gone《致命紫羅蘭》10、婚姻是虛無的,隨時可以毀滅,你控制不到,亦掌握不到,但是面前這件事,你就可以掌握,掌握到前面這件事,你就有一個選擇,選擇一是離開這段婚姻,一是繼續維系它(如果你知道老公背著你玩女人)《大丈夫》
11、月亮為什麼孤單《金剛狼前傳》12、我就是錢奴,凡是你可以看到的東西都是我的,但 你可以租著用《黑拳》13、你們叫這么多,吃的完嗎! ··· 你們叫這么多吃的完嗎。 那你幫忙吃點。? 好吧!我盡力。《黑拳》14、你等我三年,我許你一世幸福····滄海桑田,是空話。15、我喜歡『老太』這個稱呼,因為是你起的(老頭).《全城戒備》16、既然做了他的女人,就不願他受委屈。《線人》17、一個女人如果沒有活在愛的世界裡,那麼生命沒有意義。18、當人們看到你成功,就不計較背後的黑19、我們≠倆個人····· 黑丫頭感悟
㈣ 《史密斯夫婦》里的經典對白
Memorable Quotes from Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) [from trailer] John Smith: Come to Daddy. Jane Smith: [after she bashes him with a tablecloth-ensconced silver teapot and headbutts him] Who's your Daddy now? ----------------------- John Smith: [searching for Jane, holding a pistol] Honey...! ---------- John Smith: [after tripping into a fence and accidentally firing a shot at his wife] Oh, dear God! ------------------------------ John Smith: Your aim's as bad as your cooking sweetheart... and that's saying something! ----------------- John Smith: [at marriage counseling] Ask us the sex question again. Jane Smith: [whispers] John. John Smith: [softly with his fingers out for ten] Ten. ---------John Smith: [after firing a rocket launcher] We should so not be allowed to buy these. ----------------------- John Smith: [after Jane escapes on a high wire] Chicken shit! Jane Smith: Pussy! ----------- John Smith: [after he finds out that Jane stole all of his guns] Bitch. --------------------------- Eddie: So, did you kill that lying bitch? Jane Smith: This lying bitch? ------------------ Marriage Counselor: One a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the happiness of your marriage? Jane Smith: 8. John Smith: Could you clarify? Is 10 the highest or is 1 the highest? Marriage Counselor: Just answer with your instinct. ------------------------ John Smith: [hitman from the BMW opens the van's left door. John opens the other van door and yanks the hitman through] These doors are handy. ------------ John Smith: You looked like Christmas morning. ---------------Eddie: No, thanks, I don't get out of bed for less than half a million dollars. ------------------- John Smith: Hiya, stranger. Jane Smith: Hiya back. --------- Jane Smith: You still alive, baby? -----------------Jasmine: Jane, it's your husband! ---------------- John Smith: Does that include weekends? [when asked how many times they have sex]
John Smith: We remodeled the house. -------------------- John Smith: I hate the curtains. --------------------- John Smith: I guess that's what happens in the end, you start thinking about the beginning. ------------------------ John Smith: [angry that Benjamin had blown their cover] You burn the picture after you get the assignment! It's the first thing you learn! Benjamin: Oh, I must have missed that day. Just like you missed the day of don't marry the enemy. ----------------------------------Jane Smith: Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished. --- [John has just returned from shooting Lucky at the bar] Jane Smith: Where've you been? John Smith: I just went down to the sports bar. Put a little money on the game. Jane Smith: How'd you do? John Smith: I got Lucky. ----------------------------------- John Smith: [both pointing guns at each other; John drops his] It's your call. Jane Smith: No! C'mon! Let's finish this! ----------------------- Girls walking by House: What's going on, Mrs. Smith? Jane Smith: Garden party, girls. ------------[about the new curtains Jane bought] Jane Smith: If you don't like them just say so and we can take them back. John Smith: All right, I don't like them. Jane Smith: Learn to live with them. ---------------Counselor: How often do you have sex? Jane Smith: I don't understand the question. -------------------------Jane Smith: There's this huge space between us, and it just keeps filling up with whatever we don't say to each other. What's that called? Counselor: Marriage. -------Benjamin: [while in the middle of the desert] Oh, look. More desert. ------------------- John Smith: Web of lies! -------------- [both have discovered that they were on the desert and one tried to kill the other] John Smith: I missed you. Jane Smith: I missed you too. ----------- Benjamin: [while being interrogated and tortured by John Smith] Can I have a soda? ---------------------- Lucky: What? You're looking for a job or something? John Smith: You are the job. [John kills everybody in the room]
John Smith: [looking at the cards at the table] Pair of threes. -------------- Jane Smith: [after shooting through a wall at John] Still alive, Baby? ----------------------Eddie: This broad is not your wife; she's the enemy. John Smith: She tried to kill me. Eddie: They all try to kill you. Slowly, painfully, cripplingly. How you going to handle it? John Smith: [grabs assault rifle] I'm going to borrow this. Eddie: I like where your head's at, man. -----------------------John Smith: We have an unusual problem here, Jane. You obviously want me dead, and I'm becoming less and less concerned for your well-being. ------------------------- Therapist: How long have you been married? John Smith: Five years Jane Smith: Six years. John Smith: [chastened] Five or six years. ---------------------- Jane Smith: [referring to the pursuing cars] They're bulletproof! John Smith: [having not heard and shot at the cars] They're bulletproof! ------------------ John Smith: Dance with me. Jane Smith: You don't dance. John Smith: It was just my cover, sweetheart. Jane Smith: Was sloth your cover, too? --------------- Eddie: Eddie? Mom #1: [shouts] Mom! We are on high alert here. I almost killed you right there! ------------------- Eddie: This bod is not your wife; she's the enemy. John Smith: She tried to kill me. Eddie: They all try to kill you. Slowly, painfully, cripplingly. How you going to handle it? John Smith: [grabs assault rifle] I'm going to borrow this. Eddie: I like where your head's at, man. ----------------- John Smith: We're going to have to re-do every conversation we've ever had. ------------------Eddie: I live with my mom because I choose to. She's the only woman I've ever trusted. ---------------------------------- John Smith: How many? Ok... I'll go first, then. I don't keep exact count, but I'd say, uh, high 50s, low 60s. I mean, I know I've been around the block an all, but... Jane Smith: 312. John Smith: What? How? Jane Smith: Some were two at a time. ------------------------------------- John Smith: [after his wife checks his crotch for a weapon] That's all John『s brother, sweetheart. ------------------ John Smith: [ring a car chase] I never told you, but I was married once before.
Jane Smith: [slams on the brakes] What? John Smith: It was nothing, honey, a drunken Vegas thing. Jane Smith: [hitting John] Is that supposed to make me feel better? Huh? [shouts] Jane Smith: Is it? [pause] Jane Smith: What's her name and social security number? John Smith: No, honey, you're not going to kill her. -------------------- Jane Smith: My parents died when I was five. I'm an orphan. John Smith: Who was that kind fellow who gave you away at the altar? Jane Smith: Paid actor. John Smith: I said I saw your father on "Fantasy Island"! ----------------------- John Smith: [hotwiring a neighbor's minivan] He's had my barbecue for six months. -------------- John Smith: [just before running over an assassin with the minivan] These fuckers get younger every year. -------------------------------- Jane Smith: Wait, why do I get the girly gun? John Smith: What? Are you kidding me? -------------------------- Jane Smith: Any last words? John Smith: The new curtains are hideous. ----------------------- John Smith: That's the second time you've tried to kill me today. Jane Smith: Oh, come on, it was just a little bomb. ------------------ John Smith: [after Jane accidentally throws a knife that punctures his leg] We'll talk about this later. ---------------------- John Smith: I can't believe I brought my real parents to our wedding. ------------------------ John Smith: [after having accidentally shot at his wife, Mr. Smith is on the roof of her car while she's trying to throw him off] Come on, let's talk about this! You don't want to go to bed angry
㈤ 電影經典台詞 誰有
NO.1 我長得太好看了,我希望在殺氣方面能夠加強點,這樣他們一看到就知道我身經百戰!
NO.2 好樣的,等我喘過氣來,我一定要追到你!
NO.3 既然我身上的銀兩沒了,這個傻瓜又要請客,所以我決定,吃死他。
NO.4 當一個女人極度渴望她的意中人出現,但是又沒出現,她的潛意識就會把自己變成他。
NO.5 他雖然很用力地打我,但我知道他的心很痛;他說他不想再見到我,其實是想給我一條路走。
NO.6 三個人以上就是非法集會,帶一公斤以上兵器就是非法藏械!
NO.7 你連多走一步的勇氣都沒有,怎麼做一國之君?
NO.8 龍哥,我只是兼職,也不能天天做全職流氓啊!
NO.9 那天我們喝醉了,有了肌膚之親,這是鐵一般的事實,做男人的不可以推卸責任啊! 做丈夫的,要對妻子千依百順,呵護備至,溫柔體貼,別跟她頂嘴。 老婆是用來愛護的,她可能嬌生慣養一點,有時侯又很調皮,你就遷就一下她啊。 如果你能夠做到這樣,你就會是一個好丈夫的。
NO.10 其實我是一個天真活潑、充滿創意的年輕人,我最大的理想就是改變這個世界。
NO.11 雖然我是金枝玉葉,從小被很多人萬般寵愛,原來,都比不上這個男人,在這一刻,對我的關懷。
NO.12 我不是不想找人救我們,但我想兩個人在一起,為什麼還要第三者出現呢?
NO.13 碰到什麼挫折,我會對自己說:我不過是俗世中的一粒微塵,天大煩惱,一個深呼吸,就什麼都沒了。
NO.14 說者有意聽者痴,從來笨蛋活得長 不想明日是與非,今夜與你醉一場
NO.15 我要娶她!!!
NO.16 今夜我感受到一份真摯的愛情,令我皇兒勇往直前。
NO.17 這么多年來,每次有什麼挫折,我都會安慰自己,一個深呼吸就算了。 但是這次,我知道是不行的,因為我試過很多次了。
NO.18 我不應該因為其他人對我的看法,而去傷害一個我心愛的人。 我應該學你皇兄,就算熊熊烈火,都不會退縮。 今天,我要送這條手鏈給我的妻子,希望她原諒我。 我們永遠不分開。
NO.19 有時候愛一個人愛得太深,人會醉,而恨得太久,心又容易碎。 世間最痛苦的事情莫過於等待,我不知道她等了我多久, 我一直以為我不會再有機會見到她,突然間,我不知道怎麼開口, 不知道怎麼講那句話,告訴她,我真的很愛她。
NO.20 我沒有想到,當我再見到她的時候,她已經變成另外一個人。 她一直重復我的話,她以為她自己是我。 原來愛一個人愛得太深,真的會醉了。 那天說著說著,我變成另外一個人,一個女人。 原來塵世間很多煩惱是很容易解決的,有些事只要你肯反過來看,你會有另外一翻光景。 我終於明白,鏡花水月是什麼意思,其實情之所至,應該你中有我,我中有你。 誰是男誰是女,有什麼關系呢?兩個人在一起,開心就行了。 今天,她是小霸王,可能明天又輪到我了。
㈥ 我想找一些有關布拉德皮特的語錄或是經典的台詞~~ 好心人就幫幫忙吧~!!萬分感謝!!!
Nothing lasts 一切是過眼雲煙
Lightning could strike 期待心靈的悸動 《第六感生死緣》
Guess in the end you start thinking about the beginning 或許在結尾時人們才開始懷念開始 《史密斯夫婦》
But there was a hell. And no matter where we moved to, I was in it. 地獄是存在的 無論我們去哪 都在地獄中
I remember it completely...and yet I can't recall any sunrise before it 我完全記得它的細節 但是我已忘記之前的每個日出 《夜訪吸血鬼》
Because you love her, I will forgive that, ONCE! Say that again, and you are no longer my brother.因為你愛她,所以我原諒你,就這一次!如果你再說一次,你就再也不是我哥哥。
Yeah! A window of opportunity is opening now 機會之門已經打開了
Now is the time for all good men to seize the moment. The moment! 機不可失 稍縱即逝
We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us? 我們註定要失去我們所愛的人,要不然我們怎麼知道他們對我們有多麼的重要I do not mind, I listened to the house to breathe, surrounded by all of us are sleeping, so I feel safe .我並不介意,我在聆聽這個房子的呼吸,周圍所有人都在睡覺,讓我感到... 安全
When you are not getting older, but more and more young, it will go through all the people you love than you die. We are doomed to lose our loved one, or else how can they know for us is so important? This is also the significance of losing it. 當你不是在變老,而是越來越年輕,就必定要經歷所有你愛的人都比你先死去。我們註定要失去我們所愛的人,不然又如何知道他們對我們來說是如此的重要呢?這也是失去的意義吧。
㈦ 史密斯夫婦 英文台詞
㈧ 電影《史密斯夫婦》里有幾句台詞我看不懂,就是「香檳怎麼樣」,「不,香檳是用來慶祝的」,「來杯馬爹
㈨ 電影 史密斯夫婦 最後片段的對話 是什麼意思 他們最後分手了還是接著在一起了