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发布时间: 2021-02-22 15:13:29

『壹』 海绵宝宝里的吉他曲 纯音乐


『贰』 海绵宝宝片尾曲!纯音乐,吉他的 叫什么

《Sweet Victory Lyrics》 The winner takes all, it's the thrill of one more kill, The last one to fall will never sacrifice their will. Don't ever look back on the wind closing in. The only attack were their wings on the wind. Oh, the daydream begins.... And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And it's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight, In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And the world is ours to follow.... Sweet, sweet, sweet victory. 酷狗音乐上有诶

『叁』 海绵宝宝吉他谱,是动画片的那个片尾曲不是回音哥的


『肆』 海绵宝宝纯音乐的片尾曲叫什么是吉他弹奏,没有人唱的那个 告诉我吧

是 【Sweet Victory 】 歌手:spongebob squarepants

『伍』 有大佬有海绵宝宝片尾曲双吉他谱吗

《Sweet Victory Lyrics》 The winner takes all, it;s the thrill of one more kill, The last one to fall will never sacrifice their will. Don;t ever look back on the wind closin姬丁灌股弑噶鬼拴邯茎g in. The only attack were their wings on the wind. Oh, the daydream begins. And it;s sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And it;s ours for the taking, it;s ours for the fight, In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And the world is ours to follow. Sweet, sweet, sweet victory. 酷狗音乐上有诶

『陆』 海绵宝宝片尾曲 最后那个吉他声音 我要下载的 有了加分

这个不错 是下载页面不是直接链接 http://cid-455b9964c3cde19d.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/90b.mp3 下面这个有点杂音 http://f5.wretch.yimg.com/mcfeng/4/1066643256.mp3

『柒』 海绵宝宝里的片尾曲吉他声的叫什么


『捌』 海绵宝宝片尾曲,吉他演奏,纯音乐的那个


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