㈠ 电影《变形金刚5:最后的骑士》(Transformers: The Last Knight)应该如何进行评价
㈡ 求变形金刚2英文观后感100字左右。。急!!!
硬伤三 猩猩?
我是个很不厚道,喜欢钻牛角尖的人,我深刻地反省。但我还是怎么也不能想明白。美国国防部找来的电脑专家们都是干什么吃的,一点忙都帮不上也就罢了,还竟裹乱。最可气的就是那个什么号称专家的专家的黑人胖子,他的出场除了增加点笑料实在对剧情没有任何帮助。第七区的特务们一个个很神秘的样子,带着国防部长参观时基地时却显得那么的训练有素,就象是每天接待中学生参观的白宫讲解员。有着高科技的美国秘密基地,用喷枪给机制人降温制冻(太原始了吧)。一八几几年就有船到过北极,没有资料不敢质疑,但好歹也是艘有着破冰能力的破冰船吧,维奇爷爷的两桅帆船后来怎么离开的北极实在是个谜!小地方也就罢了,最后的结尾实在是不能忍--既然把“魔方”塞到威震天的身上它就会死,主角干嘛还玩了命的跑到大楼上(主角的体力和耐力及其爆发力是惊人的)擎天柱没完没了地重复:“如果我失败了,把魔方放进我的心脏,我要用我的生命毁掉它!”男主角还在一边敲边鼓:“没有牺牲就不能成功!”整个气氛搞得像是“一场悲剧就要上演”似的。搞这种“噱头”在好莱坞这种水平下,是不是也太小儿科了。不如这样:擎天柱从维奇手中接过魔方,趁威震天来抢夺之机抛给侧方掩护的救护车,救护车在卡咔嚓嚓的变形声中完成汽车形态,在市中心混杂的道路上飞驰,威震天抛下擎天柱,变身飞机继续追赶,超低空飞机和救护车在道路上你追我赶。镜头以救护车视角为准,全场观众一起体验一下宽银幕《卡本》的快乐。突然对面铁皮迎面驶来,眼看就要撞上了,两辆车同时变形,(这时给慢镜)在双方侧面划过的时刻,一个默契的背后传球(程序可参考NBA2007)魔方被顺利的转移到铁皮手里,威震天转弯不急,重重的甩到身后的大楼上,大楼缓缓倒塌(可调用世贸倒塌镜头,同时点出威震天是恐怖主义分子。)恼羞成怒的威震天变回机器人形态,向铁皮射击。铁皮终于可以发挥它“武器专家”的特长,左手炮,右手枪,背后火箭筒,两脚烽火轮……一通乱打后,毕竟老大是老大,连擎天柱都不是对手的威震天一枪打在铁皮的手腕上,魔方落地(慢镜),每个“变变”特写闪回,音效关闭一片寂静,突然所有的“变变”冲向魔方(参考《最后一码》)你压我我压你,魔方在众“变变”的手上跳来跳去,背景音乐可以用欢快一点的波尔卡舞曲,以突显出这场战斗的幼稚和不成熟,照顾广大学龄前儿童们的欣赏趣味(说白了就是几个孩子抢着要玩魔方)。终于魔方被一只手牢牢地抓住了,镜头下摇威震天得意的神情,继续下摇,他脚下的“变变”们挤插插的扭做一团,成了一座机器山,这时可以给大威两句台词,反正也就是恐怖主义分子们常叫嚣的:“我要让这个世界充满恐惧!”“没有人可以忽视我的存在,我是世界之王,宇宙之王!”之类的。就在他高举“魔方”之际,脚下伸出六只手死死的抱住他的腿,原来是汽车人变变们的策略,擎天柱趁机冲上去一拳打晕威震天拿到了“魔方”。大获全胜的汽车人们聚到了一起,正要讨论下一步的计划。威震天的真正力量觉醒,霸天虎们使出了“爆豆必杀”—合体(变形金刚动画版的精髓,无论如何电影版应该涉及一下,不然大大失色)5个霸天虎合体成为新的“大力神”(借用名字),形势瞬间倾覆,汽车人们个个成了“武大郎”只有挨打的份,(尽量减少血腥成分,比如“桥下割头”镜头,毕竟在暑期档上映,照顾一下家长们的情绪。)奄奄一息们的汽车人横七竖八的躺在地上,威震天狂笑着变身成了他本来的模样一把激光炮,“大力神”把激光炮抗在身上,魔方成了弹夹。黑洞洞的炮口对准了擎天柱和他身下的地球,所有人都在屏息,所有人都在质疑?就没有英雄挺身而出吗?(奥特曼,你在哪里!?)炮口在发红,大力神的手在战抖,抖动越来越厉害,突然庞大的合体金刚岿然解体,激光炮被甩到了一边。魔方巨大的能量让普通的霸天虎“变变”们无法驾驭,重重摔到地上的威震天恨恨得爬起来,手中紧紧地攥着已经发红的魔方,擎天柱慢慢的爬起,众汽车人慢慢爬起(参考圣斗士青铜五小强),威震天显然由于多年的幽居恐惧变得有点丧心病狂,发红的魔方正一点点地烤化它的金属躯壳,但他仍不肯放手。口中一直念叨着:“It’s mine! It’s mine!!”(有点象丧子的祥林嫂)擎天柱突的跃起,扑到威震天身上抢夺过程中,两人之间一阵刺眼的红光伴随着一阵剧烈的抽搐,两位老大一动不动的蜷缩在了一起。(背景音乐给悲伤的蓝调)众人凑过来,几个有力量的分开了两人,擎天柱身上到处是短路,噼噼啪啪的闪着火花,威震天的胸口上魔方的碎片依然发着红光。擎天柱缓缓的睁开碧蓝的眼睛,看看躺在身边的老对手。缓缓地说:“You are right, It’s yours now! ”(主题:物欲是可怕的,人为财死,鸟为食亡;天作孽有可恕,自作孽不可活;玩火者必自焚,等等)众人欢呼,男女主人公互吻相拥,镜头的另一边魔方的红色渐渐褪去几个矢量图形变幻后,微缩成了更小的一块魔方落进了威震天的身体残骸里,威震天的眼睛,像电压不稳的灯泡一样闪动了一下(为了拍续集做准备)。后面的镜头可以保留,特别是男女主人公躺在车厢盖上看日落那个镜头,很精典,估计日后的自驾车人士会争相效仿。
胡批乱点了一通,心里痛快了。正格的这部片子的观赏度还是蛮高的。看了你就知道了。 自己清理下文章 不要的删去, 差不多就100字了。
㈢ 求变形金刚英文观后感
And drive he does as Michael Bay translates the Transformers world of animation and toys to the big screen.
But before I get ahead of myself I have to admit I never watched even a single episode growing up. I had just hit high school and I wasn't interested. So there wasn't any real baggage involved either side of the coin.
Yet there I sat in the first public screening anywhere on the planet (June 12th in Sydney, Australia, with Michael Bay introcing it) and it just overwhelmed me and everyone else! There was never a ll moment, the script flowed easily, the acting was first-rate and the seamlessness of the CGI and live action was taken to another level.
It's going to be the hit of the summer and was better than any of the big third installment trilogies I have just also seen. And I love each of those franchises.
Congratulations on a movie that not only met expectations but exceeded them.
Michael Bay doesn't disappointed us. I've seen Transformers in a press screening today, and I'm under the film's impression right now. The robots are cool as much as they can be. Bay's vision about the cult-comic and animation of the eighties has become one of the greatest effect-movie of all time. However I must disapprove that the Decepticons lost their personality, they're just mainly destroying and killing machines, Megatron and Starscream are more complex characters like they're featured in the movie. But I don't want to tease. Spielberg and Bay has created a gigantic, spectacular and funny summer blockbuster movie, that the sequel manufacturer studios can consider as an example. So, Transformers is more than meets the eye! And by the way OPTIMUS RULES!!!!
I honestly don't know where to start with this movie. I will say however, that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.
I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script. It's cheesy, cliché-ridden, and poorly-structured. Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent. Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history. Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse. The writing of human characters is lazy at best, sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker, fat computer whizz, bumbling government agent etc etc. The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable, but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction. Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know, but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie.
The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay's erratic editing style), but when you've no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience. Effects DON'T MAKE A MOVIE.
With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism, but it's patently clear that Bay and Co. had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise. GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be, but it is most certainly not Transformers.
*** This comment may contain spoilers ***
I loved the cartoon series as a kid and, after seeing the commercials, thought it would be freaking awesome. Instead, I wound up stuck in a movie with a ridiculous plot, too many irrelevant characters, and too much sex humor for a movie that is supposed to be about giant robots wailing on each other (I am in my twenties and male, so I can hardly be considered a prude. The fact that even I cringed at the mother making masturbation jokes means that there is such a thing as a limit for that sort of humor). Most of the Transformers do not even show up until the movie is halfway over. The subplot of the signal detection team (who did nothing except point out that some alien being had hacked the network-a no-brainer) could be cut without losing anything of note (except for the funny scene where Anthony Anderson's on-screen cousin gets tackled by the FBI agent into the pool). And what's with Bumblebee pissing on the FBI Agent, and Mikaela making him take his clothes off? The action scenes are stellar, but not enough to make up for all of the other mistakes in the movie. If you and pasted scenes from Independence Day, Matrix Revolutions, a bunch of US air force commercials and Bad Santa all together on your computer, you would wind up with basically the same mess.
㈣ “变形金刚5”的英文怎么说
"Transformers 5"
㈤ 英语作文看变形金刚电影的观后感400字
㈥ 变形金刚4观后感英文60词左右 最好有中文翻译
I watched the Transformers: Age of Extinction today,it's really an excating film!
The transformers are awesome.The cars and the jets they transformed into are cool,I like them very much.Optimus Prime impressed me a lot,especially when he said"Honor to the end".He's a hero.He needn't fight for earth,but he still choose to protect it.No matter how deep human have hurt him ,no matter how many of his friends have sacrificed for human's mistakes,he choose to portect earth only because there once be his home.
He,the greastest Prime of Autobots ever,did impressed me a lot.
㈦ 看变形金刚的英文观后感(70个词左右)急!!!!
Just because this is a movie about a boy and his car doesn’t mean it skimps on robot action. In that way, the film plays out almost exactly like the old cartoon series. Sam, for all intents and purposes is just like the humans in the cartoon, a guy who befriends a group of alien beings known as Autobots and helps them fight the good fight against their enemies the Decepticons. One the film gets going there’s barely a frame that doesn’t have some sort of Transformer in it. That might seem like a given, but so many movies of this ilk end up going cheap on the big effects pieces, either to save on budget or in some misguided attempt to heighten the reality of what’s happening. Transformers says screw that and gives you Optimus Prime and his friends hanging out, talking, and fighting the good fight to defend mankind. Occasionally fight sequences suffer but Transformers knows you’re here to see robots thrash the hell out of each other and never shies away from laying that on thick. Bay shows his robots in perfect hero poses with blinding sunlight streaming over their shoulders and Optimus talks about loyalty, ty, and freedom like he’s just stepped off an Autobot recruiting poster. In another movie it would be ridiculous, in Transformers it’s the sort of thing you’ll feel welling up in the pit of your stomach.
If there’s any problem with the film, it’s that at 140 minutes it runs slightly long. I’m not proposing that they should have cut back on robots, but some of the movie’s more irrelevant moments involving characters other than Sam could have been truncated without much negative impact. That’s not to say they aren’t entertaining, when the movie’s not wowing you with spectacle it’s pretty good at being flat out funny. At 140 minutes though, Bay could have dropped a few things. Jon Voight has far too many lines, Anthony Anderson seems to serve no real purpose, and though John Turturro is hilarious as the head of a secret government organization, it wouldn’t have hurt the film to have less of him.
Minor length issues aside, Transformers is a truly great summer blockbuster. As an action movie it’s a huge success; with awe-inspiring effects, tremendous set pieces, a sexy style, and jaw-dropping things which you have absolutely never seen before in any other movie. As a nostalgia trip for the kids who were sitting next to me in 1986 the last time these characters were in theaters, it’s an even bigger hit. Like many old school Transformers fans I was incredibly skeptical about what Bay was doing. Much of the early information leaked out about the film just didn’t seem right. We were wrong to doubt. For you alts and the kid inside who was there back in the 80s cheering Prime on, this movie is like a rallying cry to your inner child. You’ll want to leap through the screen to stand at Optimus Prime’s side to fight the good fight against Megatron. For your kids, to whom the Transformers are now entirely new, this will be without a doubt the greatest movie they have ever seen. Don’t let them miss it.
There are two ways to review this movie. The right way is to look at it objectively, examining how the film is put together and picking apart the script by pointing out the gaping logical gaps present in it. I’ll be reviewing the film the wrong way, as a man who was once a little boy crying because Optimus Prime was dead. Now whatever is left of that kid inside me has had a wakeup call. The movie he’s been waiting twenty years to see is finally here; Optimus Prime is back from the grave and he needs my help.
Transformers director Michael Bay has done the impossible. He’s created a wholly modern, action extravaganza while staying completely true to all the things that have ever been good about the Transformers. Alright maybe Optimus Prime didn’t need to have flames painted on him, but that’s such a minor detail in a movie with characters that are quite literally so big. Otherwise, Transformers is so much like the 80s cartoon many of us loved that it nearly forgets to be cinematic and becomes almost silly. Transformers is astoundingly goofy, but it knows it’s goofy and simply doesn’t care, which is why Bay’s film is so much giant freakin robot fun. There’s no attempt to be serious. That’s not to say the movie doesn’t try to be as real as it can be, after all the goal here is to take giant transforming robots and put them believably in our world. It attempts to seem real, but never at the expense of the essence of what the Transformers have always been. Because of that, Transformers isn’t just dorky, it’s gloriously dorky. The film absolutely revels in how completely looney this premise is, and is all the better for it.
Transformers wastes no time getting right to the incredible robot action we’re all hungering for, and rushes directly from the credits to eye-popping, rampant robot destruction. What really holds the film together though is that even when it’s knee deep in save the world, all out, brawling in the streets, giant freakin robot war, at the core of everything is the simple story of a boy and his first car. For a man, there are few things more powerful than the relationship he has with his first automobile, and it’s no different for Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf).
Once Bay wisely satiates our lust for effects sequences, he gets right to the heart of his story by taking us along with Sam and his dad as they go car shopping. Sam has worked and saved to afford a car, and is disappointed to discover that he can’t afford any better than a clunker. However, his clunker is no ordinary POS, it’s more than meets the eye. Sam’s relationship with his car, the Autobot Bumblebee is what connects this movie to the audience. The film takes the same formula that has worked so well in other car movies, and applies it to Sam and Bumbelee. In many ways, Bumblebee ends up being a lot like Herbie the Love Bug crossed with shades of Steven Spielberg’s E.T.. Sam develops a strong attachment to his beat up little Camaro, long before he discovers it’s more than four tires and a radio. When he does, because of an old war injury Bumblebee can only speak using beeps and by changing radio stations. That too works wonderfully, only deepening their relationship as Bumblebee stands up to protect Sam and the two struggle to communicate with one another. Sam’s relationship with his car is brilliantly written, even better directed, and it’s the super glue that holds this gigantic summer blockbuster tightly together when things go mad in a flurry of one-liners and special effects.
Because this is a Michael Bay film, Transformers mixes in the parallel storylines of other characters embroiled in Earth’s sudden alien robot problem. The film cuts between stories, one minute we’re following Sam as his car gets him caught up in a battle that’s way over his head, the next it’s a group of government geeks trying to decode a strange alien signal, the next a group of soldiers under attack from an unknown and evil, alien force of mechanical beings with the ability to disguise themselves as everyday items. Eventually everything collides together and the film’s three separate factions join up with the Autobots, an alien robot force for good, to kick some Decepticon butt. Still, the film is smart enough to ensure thatl Sam’s story remains at the center and heart of the film no matter how big it gets.
Just because this is a movie about a boy and his car doesn’t mean it skimps on robot action. In that way, the film plays out almost exactly like the old cartoon series. Sam, for all intents and purposes is just like the humans in the cartoon, a guy who befriends a group of alien beings known as Autobots and helps them fight the good fight against their enemies the Decepticons. One the film gets going there’s barely a frame that doesn’t have some sort of Transformer in it. That might seem like a given, but so many movies of this ilk end up going cheap on the big effects pieces, either to save on budget or in some misguided attempt to heighten the reality of what’s happening. Transformers says screw that and gives you Optimus Prime and his friends hanging out, talking, and fighting the good fight to defend mankind. Occasionally fight sequences suffer but Transformers knows you’re here to see robots thrash the hell out of each other and never shies away from laying that on thick. Bay shows his robots in perfect hero poses with blinding sunlight streaming over their shoulders and Optimus talks about loyalty, ty, and freedom like he’s just stepped off an Autobot recruiting poster. In another movie it would be ridiculous, in Transformers it’s the sort of thing you’ll feel welling up in the pit of your stomach.
If there’s any problem with the film, it’s that at 140 minutes it runs slightly long. I’m not proposing that they should have cut back on robots, but some of the movie’s more irrelevant moments involving characters other than Sam could have been truncated without much negative impact. That’s not to say they aren’t entertaining, when the movie’s not wowing you with spectacle it’s pretty good at being flat out funny. At 140 minutes though, Bay could have dropped a few things. Jon Voight has far too many lines, Anthony Anderson seems to serve no real purpose, and though John Turturro is hilarious as the head of a secret government organization, it wouldn’t have hurt the film to have less of him.
Minor length issues aside, Transformers is a truly great summer blockbuster. As an action movie it’s a huge success; with awe-inspiring effects, tremendous set pieces, a sexy style, and jaw-dropping things which you have absolutely never seen before in any other movie. As a nostalgia trip for the kids who were sitting next to me in 1986 the last time these characters were in theaters, it’s an even bigger hit. Like many old school Transformers fans I was incredibly skeptical about what Bay was doing. Much of the early information leaked out about the film just didn’t seem right. We were wrong to doubt. For you alts and the kid inside who was there back in the 80s cheering Prime on, this movie is like a rallying cry to your inner child. You’ll want to leap through the screen to stand at Optimus Prime’s side to fight the good fight against Megatron. For your kids, to whom the Transformers are now entirely new, this will be without a doubt the greatest movie they have ever seen. Don’t let them miss it.
㈧ 变形金刚英文观后感,帮我翻译下,谢谢
㈨ 变形金刚的英文介绍
(the Transformers) is from the United States since 1984 Hasbro (Hasbro) company with Japan TAKARA (Centerカラ) company to develop a series of toys and launched a series of animation / film collectively. But because of the animation of alts do not know much about the misunderstanding, to some extent, be extended to a broad range of (to deformation) robot toys and cartoons.
[Edit this paragraph] list】 【animation works
Note: There are number of words as a result of term limits would like to know specific information on each work, you can click on the relevant terms (terms of whom would be bold display) separate inspection.
As follows, divided into the U.S. version and the Japanese version. Attached to a set number, the Japanese version comes with broadcast date.
First of all, sweet version of things lined up in sequence. The first line is the original English text of the second line is to Chinese.
Transformers (first quarter)
Transformers (second quarter)
Transformers movie
Transformers (third quarter)
Transformers (fourth quarter) [Note: that is, REBIRTH / rebirth]
Transformers the second generation [Note: that is, G2 of several unknown]
Transformers Beast War (first quarter)
Super Warrior
Transformers Beast War (second quarter)
Super Warrior
Transformers Beast War (third quarter)
Super Warrior
Transformers Beast Machine (first quarter)
Xia beast
Transformers Beast Machine (second quarter)
Xia beast
Transformers robot camouflage
Transformers Autobots War [Note: that is, the corresponding day RID version CAR ROBOT]
Transformers fleet of Thunder [Note: Japanese version of the corresponding MICRON legend]
Transformers energy body
Transformers energy battle [Note: Japanese version of the corresponding SUPER LINK]
Transformers robot cyber camouflage Troms
㈩ 变形金刚4英文观后感
And drive he does as Michael Bay translates the Transformers world of animation and toys to the big screen.
But before I get ahead of myself I have to admit I never watched even a single episode growing up. I had just hit high school and I wasn't interested. So there wasn't any real baggage involved either side of the coin.
Yet there I sat in the first public screening anywhere on the planet (June 12th in Sydney, Australia, with Michael Bay introcing it) and it just overwhelmed me and everyone else! There was never a ll moment, the script flowed easily, the acting was first-rate and the seamlessness of the CGI and live action was taken to another level.
It's going to be the hit of the summer and was better than any of the big third installment trilogies I have just also seen. And I love each of those franchises.
Congratulations on a movie that not only met expectations but exceeded them.
Michael Bay doesn't disappointed us. I've seen Transformers in a press screening today, and I'm under the film's impression right now. The robots are cool as much as they can be. Bay's vision about the cult-comic and animation of the eighties has become one of the greatest effect-movie of all time. However I must disapprove that the Decepticons lost their personality, they're just mainly destroying and killing machines, Megatron and Starscream are more complex characters like they're featured in the movie. But I don't want to tease. Spielberg and Bay has created a gigantic, spectacular and funny summer blockbuster movie, that the sequel manufacturer studios can consider as an example. So, Transformers is more than meets the eye! And by the way OPTIMUS RULES!!!!
I honestly don't know where to start with this movie. I will say however, that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.
I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script. It's cheesy, cliché-ridden, and poorly-structured. Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent. Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history. Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse. The writing of human characters is lazy at best, sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker, fat computer whizz, bumbling government agent etc etc. The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable, but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction. Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know, but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie.
The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay's erratic editing style), but when you've no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience. Effects DON'T MAKE A MOVIE.
With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism, but it's patently clear that Bay and Co. had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise. GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be, but it is most certainly not Transformers.
*** This comment may contain spoilers ***
I loved the cartoon series as a kid and, after seeing the commercials, thought it would be freaking awesome. Instead, I wound up stuck in a movie with a ridiculous plot, too many irrelevant characters, and too much sex humor for a movie that is supposed to be about giant robots wailing on each other (I am in my twenties and male, so I can hardly be considered a prude. The fact that even I cringed at the mother making masturbation jokes means that there is such a thing as a limit for that sort of humor). Most of the Transformers do not even show up until the movie is halfway over. The subplot of the signal detection team (who did nothing except point out that some alien being had hacked the network-a no-brainer) could be cut without losing anything of note (except for the funny scene where Anthony Anderson's on-screen cousin gets tackled by the FBI agent into the pool). And what's with Bumblebee pissing on the FBI Agent, and Mikaela making him take his clothes off? The action scenes are stellar, but not enough to make up for all of the other mistakes in the movie. If you and pasted scenes from Independence Day, Matrix Revolutions, a bunch of US air force commercials and Bad Santa all together on your computer, you would wind up with basically the same mess.