㈠ 中央舞台2 贝拉 的真名和资料
Rachele Brooke Smith Rachele Brooke Smith
Rachele Brooke Smith 出生:1987-11-07 美国,亚利桑那州 性别:女 身高:5英尺6 重量:118 年龄范围:16 - 24 体质:运动 头发颜色:棕色 头发长度:及肩 眼睛:绿色 种族:白人 语音类型:女高音 Rachele Brooke Smith 是一名来自美国的舞蹈演员。出生于1987年11月7日Tracy 和Dr. Kris Smith家庭,神经外科医生。她在五个孩子中排行第二。长大后,追求多样化的个性发展,兴趣从滑雪到霹雳舞。Simth 2006毕业于Shadow Mountain High School ,随后受教育于Provo, Utah 的Brigham Young University。目前,她通过the University of Phoenix 的网上教学主修心理学,并继续获得人力资源和管理硕士学位。 她首次触电是在2008年Center Stage: Turn It Up (中央舞台2)中胜任Kate Parker一角。 令人印象深刻的舞蹈(爵士舞,街舞,芭蕾舞,现代舞,霹雳舞)与她惊人的美丽结合起来。最近,她出现在两位杰出音乐艺术家,John Legend和Andre 3000视频。 目前居住在洛杉矶,她的空闲时间花在运动,跳舞,滑雪,滑板,旅游,打网球。常活跃于地方教会作为志愿者帮助那些无家可归和有需要的儿童。 Filmography 影片目录 Film
Year Film Role Notes
2008 Center Stage: Turn It Up Kate Parker Main Role
Bedtime Stories Featured
2009 Fired Up! Tiger Dancer #8
17 Again Hammer Dancer #1
Attack at Zombie High!' Amber
Bring It On: Fight to the Finish Avery
A Christmas Carol Dancer
Year Title Role Notes
2008 Eli Stone Guest appearance
㈡ 求电影《中央舞台2》高清版,百度云的。谢谢!回答好可以再加分。
㈢ 中央舞台2中最后他们跳的芭蕾歌曲是什么
"you belong", the skies of america (end title credits)
㈣ 电影[中央舞台2]写一篇观后感
记得多年前曾经被它的前作打动过,尤其是最后的那段现代芭蕾舞至今仍记忆犹新。无意中在网上看到了这部续作,于是满怀期待的当了下来,并迫不及待的看完了,结果却失望之极。与第一集比起来这部续集在芭蕾的基础上增加了一些街舞的元素,但总体感觉却比第一集差许多,无论是故事情节、舞蹈还是演员的表现都跟第一集不是一个档次的。看过第一集的就别看了,至于没看过第一集的同志,推荐先看二再看一,这样感觉或许会好些,呵呵。 []
㈥ 跪求中央舞台2女主角的个人资料!!!!
中文名称:歌舞青春/高校音乐剧 英文名称:High School Musical 发行时间:2006年 电影导演:Kenny Ortega 电影演员:Zac Efron、Vanessa Anne Hudgens、Corbin Bleu、Monique Coleman、Lucas Grabeel、Bart Johnson、Malinda Money、Alison Reed、Alyson Reed、Ryne Sanborn、Andrew Seeley、Ashley Tisdale、Chris Warren Jr 地区:美国 语言:英语 长度:98 Mins 主演:Zac Efron 饰演 Troy Vanessa Anne Hudgens 饰演 Gabriella Corbin Bleu 饰演 Chad Monique Coleman 饰演 Taylor Ashley Tisdale 饰演 Sharpay 由 Kenneth Ortega 执导,于犹他州的盐湖城拍摄,两位主角 Troy 及 Gabriella 分别由 Zac Efron 及 Vanessa Anne Hudgens 演出,主角们的好友 Chad 及 Taylor 则分别由 Corbin Bleu 及 Monique Coleman 担任,Sharpay 一角由在迪士尼影集【小查与寇弟的顶级生活】中扮演 Maddie Fitzpatrick 的 Ashley Tisdale 饰演,其他演员包括 Lucas Grabeel 、Alyson Reed 、Bart Johnson 、Chris Warren Jr. …等。 几位年轻演员都因为演出本片而炙手可热,本片所引起的风潮可见一斑! 内容梗概 故事主角Troy Bolton是个篮球天才,自小以篮球为目标,他的父亲兼教练,指引着他。Gabriella Montez 则是难得的理科奇才,她取得了不少惊人的成绩而且心地善良。他们两人本是两个不同世界的人,在除夕假期的一个卡拉OK比赛中,将重唱发挥的淋漓尽致。假期结束后,他们更发觉原来就读於同一学校!学校音乐剧角色的选拔也即将开始,于是 Troy 及 Gabriella 打算参加试音,希望成为学校最新音乐剧的男女主角。由于篮球比赛和学术比赛渐渐逼近,这都关系到学校的荣誉。为了能让Troy一心投入篮球比赛,让Gabriella认真准备学术全能比赛,篮球队成员和学术社成员联合起来劝阻他们退出音乐剧的选拔。Gabriella 新认识的朋友 Taylor McKessie 及 Troy 的好友兼支持者 Chad Danforth 知道消息后均表示不赞成,Chad 不希望见到自己的篮球偶像登上舞台,而 Taylor 则担心自己带领的学术比赛队伍将失去一个重要的队员。一向都是学校音乐剧主角的 Sharpay Evans 及 Ryan Evans 亦担心自己在学校的地位将受动摇千方百计地策划计谋阻止他们参加角色选拔。虽然如此,但 Troy 及 Gabriella 并没有因此而放弃,反而更积极追寻自己的梦想,亦影响到其他同学向别人展示一些他们一直隐藏起来的才华!后来,队友们体会到了扼杀朋友的梦想是残忍的,于是重新给予他们鼓励和帮助,Troy的父亲也清楚地了解到儿子的倔强和梦想,于是对他说:“只要你快乐就好!”这给了Troy很大的动力,Gabriella也开始有了信心。 Sharpay 和 Ryan 将音乐剧选拔赛时间恶意更改,使篮球赛、学术全能比赛和音乐剧选拔赛同时举行。出乎意料的是,队友们信誓旦旦地向他们保证一定会让他们参加比赛。篮球赛的计分器突然发生故障,学术比赛中化学物品产生毒气使两项比赛暂停。当 Troy 和 Gabriella 赶到剧场,音乐剧选拔已经结束,在两人和钢琴家的恳求下,他们终于获准参赛,所有的队友都到场为他们鼓励。 Gabriella 和 Troy 唱出了令人惊叹的水平,最终获得了冠军。在篮球赛和学术比赛中他们因为勇气再次获胜。 Sharpay 和 Ryan 认识到自己的错误并真诚祝贺他们, Gabriella 和 Troy 原谅了他们并和他们成为朋友,对未来充满了信心和期待。 观后感受 身为篮球天才的男孩 Troy 并没有排斥众人的希望,也没有放弃追求的梦想,成为一个快乐自信的人。 Gabriella 的智力超群,她将学习和兴趣很好地兼顾,因为她有别人给予的鼓励和信赖。 Troy 有了朋友的支持和父亲的理解,从一个除篮球之外闭口不谈的男孩变成一个热情合群的人。他们用音乐表达自己的想法。看了这部影片,我们明白了一个道理:凡事不要被局部影响而导致自己无法在竞争中真正快乐,只有勇于面对,才能得到自己希望的结果。
㈦ 求《中央舞台2》中插曲
"Raise The Barre", Laura Karpman f/ Messa (opening dance sequence)
"Give It All I've Got", Bekki Friesen (second main title song)
"Balloon", Sara Haze (Kate sees she hasn't been accepted to ABA)
"You Should Be Gone", Christelle Radomsky (first song at nightclub)
"Turn Around", Soul P (second song at club in the background)
"Burnin'", Ms. Triniti (first song Kate dances to at the club)
"I Ain't Goin Nowhere", Soul P (song in background immediately follow Kate's dance)
"Num Num", The DNC (plays in background at club as Tommy asks Kate for help)
"Loosen Up", Golden f/ Sophia Shorai (Kate tutors Tommy)
"Mista Ambarosia", The Spectaculars (plays in club as Suzanne and crew arrive)
"Don't Sweat", Ms. Triniti f/ Qmillion (remake of
"Don't Sweat the Technique" recorded specifically for this movie; plays as Kate and Tommy throw down at the club)
"Paper Plane", Lucy Schwartz (plays at end of ice cream scene in Kate's apt)
"A Part In That Show", Chris Joss (training montage)
"Act Like You Want It", X5 f/ Mr. Fang (plays in bg at club before Kate's angry dance)
"Inside Outside", Miss Eighty 6 (Kate dances to this song at the club before Cooper arrives)
"Swing Baby Swing", The DNC (Kate and Cooper's et at the club)
"Nobody Hot As Me", KU (song in bg after Kate and Cooper's et)
"Rainmaker", Sara Haze (Kate runs through streets)
"Ten Things To Prove", Amali Ward (Kate's little sister dances at the club)
"24", Jem (Swan Lake performance near end of picture)
"You Belong", The Skies of America (end title credits)
㈧ 中央舞台2所有的歌曲
"Raise The Barre", Laura Karpman f/ Messa (opening dance sequence)
"Give It All I've Got", Bekki Friesen (second main title song)
"Balloon", Sara Haze (Kate sees she hasn't been accepted to ABA)
"You Should Be Gone", Christelle Radomsky (first song at nightclub)
"Turn Around", Soul P (second song at club in the background)
"Burnin'", Ms. Triniti (first song Kate dances to at the club)
"I Ain't Goin Nowhere", Soul P (song in background immediately follow Kate's dance)
"Num Num", The DNC (plays in background at club as Tommy asks Kate for help)
"Loosen Up", Golden f/ Sophia Shorai (Kate tutors Tommy)
"Mista Ambarosia", The Spectaculars (plays in club as Suzanne and crew arrive)
"Don't Sweat", Ms. Triniti f/ Qmillion (remake of "Don't Sweat the Technique" recorded specifically for this movie; plays as Kate and Tommy throw down at the club)
"Paper Plane", Lucy Schwartz (plays at end of ice cream scene in Kate's apt)
"A Part In That Show", Chris Joss (training montage)
"Act Like You Want It", X5 f/ Mr. Fang (plays in bg at club before Kate's angry dance)
"Inside Outside", Miss Eighty 6 (Kate dances to this song at the club before Cooper arrives)
"Swing Baby Swing", The DNC (Kate and Cooper's et at the club)
"Nobody Hot As Me", KU (song in bg after Kate and Cooper's et)
"Rainmaker", Sara Haze (Kate runs through streets)
"Ten Things To Prove", Amali Ward (Kate's little sister dances at the club)
"24", Jem (Swan Lake performance near end of picture)
"You Belong", The Skies of America (end title credits)
㈨ 求《中央舞台》这部电影的下载资源最好是几部都有的。
ftp://dygod1:[email protected]:1175/中央舞台2DVD/[电影天堂www.dytt8.net].中央舞台2DVD中英双字幕.rmvb
辛苦搜索,请为我采纳!谢谢 有什么请留言
㈩ 电影中央舞台2的音乐~
我也在找这电影的原声,貌似有点难度。 = =
"Raise The Barre", Laura Karpman f/ Messa (opening dance sequence)
"Give It All I've Got", Bekki Friesen (second main title song)
"Balloon", Sara Haze (Kate sees she hasn't been accepted to ABA)
"You Should Be Gone", Christelle Radomsky (first song at nightclub)
"Turn Around", Soul P (second song at club in the background)
"Burnin'", Ms. Triniti (first song Kate dances to at the club)
"I Ain't Goin Nowhere", Soul P (song in background immediately follow Kate's dance)
"Num Num", The DNC (plays in background at club as Tommy asks Kate for help)
"Loosen Up", Golden f/ Sophia Shorai (Kate tutors Tommy)
"Mista Ambarosia", The Spectaculars (plays in club as Suzanne and crew arrive)
"Don't Sweat", Ms. Triniti f/ Qmillion (remake of "Don't Sweat the Technique" recorded specifically for this movie; plays as Kate and Tommy throw down at the club)
"Paper Plane", Lucy Schwartz (plays at end of ice cream scene in Kate's apt)
"A Part In That Show", Chris Joss (training montage)
"Act Like You Want It", X5 f/ Mr. Fang (plays in bg at club before Kate's angry dance)
"Inside Outside", Miss Eighty 6 (Kate dances to this song at the club before Cooper arrives)
"Swing Baby Swing", The DNC (Kate and Cooper's et at the club)
"Nobody Hot As Me", KU (song in bg after Kate and Cooper's et)
"Rainmaker", Sara Haze (Kate runs through streets)
"Ten Things To Prove", Amali Ward (Kate's little sister dances at the club)
"24", Jem (Swan Lake performance near end of picture)
"You Belong", The Skies of America (end title credits)