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发布时间: 2021-03-14 13:57:26

A. 找好看的欧美电影,是要内容比较感人或激励人的剧情片,我是男生,今年高一,用来学英语!!!

国外的经典哲思电影《美丽人生》, 《天堂电影院》,《阿甘正传》《辛德勒的名单》,《海上钢琴师》,《十二怒汉》,《地下》,《我的父亲,我的儿子》,《小鞋子》《低俗小说》,《飞越疯人院》,《教父1,2,3》《这个杀手不太冷》,《美国往事》,《搏击俱乐部》,《黑暗中的舞者》,《灿烂人生》,《乡愁》,《放牛班的春天》,《 十诫》,《忠犬八公的故事》,《地球上的星星》,《 乌龟也会飞》,《 碧海蓝天》,《 勇敢的心》,《 我是山姆》,《玛丽和马克思》,《 天使之城》,《巴黎,我爱你》,《大鱼》,《 爱·回家》,《 燃情岁月》,《闻香识女人》,《天使爱美丽》,《楚门的世界》,《十月的天空》,《 美丽心灵》,《人生遥控器》,《钢琴家》,《卢旺达饭店》,《绿里奇迹》,《 完美的世界》,《中央车站》,《 人生访客》,《 萤火虫之墓》,《 菊次郎的夏天》,《美国美人》,《永恒和一日》,《因父之名 》,《死亡诗社》,《与狼共舞》,《西部往事》,《天堂的颜色》,《听见天堂》,《我在伊朗长大》,《蓝白红三部曲》,《想飞的钢琴少年》,《让风带着我起飞》,《非常嫌疑犯》 西西里的美丽传说 搏击俱乐部 香水 死神来了 十二宫 偷天情缘 蝴蝶效应 潜水钟与蝴蝶 第八日 这个男人来自地球 七宗罪 上帝之城 爱在黎明破晓前 苦月亮 当幸福来敲门 《幸福终点站》贫民窟的百万富翁.《美国往事》够了吧!整理了很久

B. 观《土拨鼠之日》写一篇英语作文


观后感.doc" wealth="5" />

C. 偷天情缘的影评,要英文的,300词



D. 《偷天情缘》英语影评200字左右

Groundhog Day is a 1993 American fantasy comedy film directed by Harold Ramis, starring Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, and Chris Elliott. It was written by Ramis and Danny Rubin, based on a story by Rubin.
Murray plays Phil Connors, an arrogant and egocentric Pittsburgh TV weatherman who, ring an assignment covering the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day again and again. After inlging in hedonism and numerous suicide attempts, he begins to re-examine his life and priorities.
In 2006, the film was added to the United States National Film Registry as being deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

E. 偷天情缘怎么样

在传统的土拨鼠日这一天,主人公陷入了一个偷天陷阱,每当他第二天醒来,都是相同的一天:土拨鼠日。这永恒的一天中,永远都是相同的人与事。必然有一个人要在路上相遇,必然有一个人要被汽车撞死。在起初的一段痛不欲生的阶段之后... 气象播报员菲尔自2月2日圣烛节当天陷入停滞状态,每当一觉醒来,他总发觉自己的遭遇与昨天完全一样, 不但遇上同样的人而且做着同样的事……日复一日地过着同一天,即使任性胡为也不 会受到惩罚。这看似可笑,但对我们的男主人公来说却是苦不堪言。 温馨有爱、饶有趣味的故事,Bill Murray的银幕魅力非同小可~时间线的处理有瑕疵 这类片子是我的大爱,太好看了,相当有意思的爱情故事。昨天在日复一日地重复着,没有明天没有未来,想想是多么可悲的事情。但只要每天都用不同的方式度过,人生就必将会因为丰富的经历而变得充满意义,充满希望的明天也会悄然而至。最后角色的心理转变实在太励志了,真是一部不折不扣的治愈佳片。 本片给我一种温馨的感觉,一种温暖的感觉,一种幸福的感觉,一种安静的快乐,这部电影在不经意间诠释了真善美,诠释了爱,诠释了生活 考虑到是九三年的电影不得不佩服编剧导演,那个年代的喜剧大多已经过时了。 一天怎么才能过的完美,或许得花上无数的日子来做热身准备。拥有先知能力后,你可以去骗姑娘,救人,腻了,什么死法都可以偿一遍。但要从今天跨过去,唯一的路径似乎只有真爱真东西 这不只是一部喜剧 真想也拥有一个这样的土拨鼠之日 很有意思 时间永远定格在某一天,我多么同情你,我多么羡慕你。 不及《第50次初恋》。 让你重复这一天干同一件事都很困难,更何况只有一次机会。 【影评】每一天都是崭新的 笑点蛮密集 果然无聊的日子日复一日都是因为爱情没有来到啊 超喜欢这么可爱的片子~~ 游戏关卡,挂了原地复活卷土重来 图片分享 用一颗平常心对面对每一天,无论明天会怎样 得到的不仅仅是爱情,还有活着的意义! 又好看又好笑,值得多看几次。

F. 土拨鼠日观后感(英文)

《Groundhog Day》was more than a comic movie,it revealed a truth that people always waste too much time on tiny meaningless things.

The leading actor was a weatherman,after going to report a traditional spring festival,he found himself living the same day over and over again.At first,he just took advantage of this to play some jokes or flirt with some girl for fun.

Then he fell in love with his colleague,he decided to change it.He started to work hard to improve himself.And finally he win the love of his colleague and changed his destiny.

We all experience that when we get up every day,we feel like we are living the same day as before.What terrify us most is that we do not have enough courage to change this.We thought that maybe we would changed this the next day,but never thingk about changing it right here,right now.

If we made a litte improvement every day,we would become what we have expect some day.Just change it today!

Groundhog Day falls on February 2 and centers on the idea of the groundhog coming out of its home to “predict” the weather.

Groundhog Day is not a public holiday, but it is very popular in many parts of the US. The official groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, which was named after King Phillip, lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The town has attracted thousands of visitors over the years to experience various Groundhog Day events and activities. News reporters, locals and visitors meet together on February 2 each year to await Phil’s appearance and his weather prediction. Many weather researchers questioned the groundhog’s accuracy in predicting the weather, but some of the groundhog’s fans may not agree.

But how did the groundhog get a day of his own?

Thousands of years ago, people in the area of Europe now known as Germany believed that the badger (獾) had the power to predict the coming of spring. They watched the badger to know when to plant their crops. By the time the first Germans settled in Pennsylvania they probably understood that this was not true, but the tradition continued.

However, there were not many badgers in Pennsylvania so the groundhog was used instead of the badger. The tradition is that if the groundhog sees its shadow on February 2 it will be frightened by it and will return to its home, meaning that there will be six more weeks of winter. If it does not see its shadow, then spring is on the way.

Of course, spring always arrives on or near March 21, so whether the groundhog decides to return to his home or to stay above ground, the sad fact is that people will always have to wait for at least six more weeks.

G. 推荐电影



我的10分电影:触及巅峰 心灵游戏
9:大话西游 记忆碎片
战争:拯救大兵瑞恩 黑鹰坠落 勇敢的心 辛德勒名单 帝国的毁灭
动画类:苹果核战记1、2 功夫熊猫 超人总动员 机器人总动员 千与千寻 最终幻想7 冰河世纪1、2 攻壳机动队 圣诞夜惊魂 穿越时空的少女
科幻:太阳浩劫 黑客帝国 回到未来1、2、3 罗拉快跑 致命魔术 蝴蝶效应 勇敢者游戏1、2 灵异第六感 木乃伊归来 十二猴子 星尘 终结者
恐怖:科洛佛档案 小岛惊魂 幻影凶间1408 异性 心慌方1
故事:决斗犹马镇 失踪人口 杀手没有假期 这个杀手不太冷 飞越疯人院 肖申克的救赎 宇宙只有我和你荒岛余生 监狱生活 美国美人 出租车司机 楚门的世界 拳击俱乐部 发条橙 美丽心灵的永恒阳光 花样年华 荒野伴我心 心灵捕手 阿甘正传 梦想照进现实 手机 猜火车 伊莎贝拉 美丽人生 我们的幸福时光
动作:霍元甲 少林足球
搞笑:太坏了 热带惊雷
悬疑:非常嫌疑犯 落水狗 狙击电话亭
罪案:七宗罪 天生杀人狂 无间道

H. 我在190度电影网看完《偷天情缘》又名《纵情声色》 ,老师要求写个老电影的观后感。谁给写一个。


I. 土拨鼠之日英文影评



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