『壹』 电影《灵魂冲浪》的读后感400字左右
电影中给我印象最深的是,她在断臂后第一次醒来,爸爸握着她的手痛哭,但她却说,“Dad,please do not cry.”她还说她没事儿,她很好。我不知道,如果是我,我会有多么激烈的反应,可是她的镇定,让我彻底被她折服。
『贰』 谁知道灵魂冲浪的经典台词啊发过来大家分型一下吧,谢谢啦!
I was born to surf我生来为了冲浪
This is why I wake up at the crack of dawn every day这是我每天清晨醒来的原因
This is why i enre belly rashes,reef cuts,muscles so tired they feel like noodles
And I have learned that life is a lot like surfing
我认识到属 生活就像冲浪
whenyou get caught in the impact zong,yu need to get right back up .
Becauseyou never know what is over the next wave.因为说不定下个浪就是绝好的机会。
And if you have faith,anything is possible
Aanything at all.
『叁』 灵魂冲浪人电影
『肆』 求灵魂冲浪片尾曲
Britt nicole的歌,歌名是《set the world on fire》
『伍』 电影《灵魂冲浪》中57分钟左右贝瑟尼要开始训练时响起的歌曲,那首男的唱的歌曲叫什么名字。
Runaway Mat kearney唱的
『陆』 求电影《灵魂冲浪人》里面出现的所有歌曲的名字
『柒』 求:《灵魂冲浪人》这部电影背后的真实故事。
『捌』 跪求《舞动人生》《灵魂冲浪人》《第一滴血》的英文影评..急用 望亲们帮忙~
The movie "Billy Elliot" who takes place in Durham is about a boy Billy, who wants to dance and about Billy's family. Billy's father want that Billy goes to the boxing Training and not to the dance hour and so there is a big argument between father and son. In the End of the story there is a turn in the situation and Billy's father Jackie is a big fan from Billy, who dance in London and get at last an award to London and the father is very proud of Billy.
In my opinion the film Billy Elliot is a very good film for the ensemble family and the film is very interesting to see, because in the film there are many special effects with the camera and the camera movement is much diversified, that makes the film interesting I think. Another important point in the film is the music. In my view the music gives the situations the right expression and so you can film the as a viewer from the film more emotion. The music in the film is at the most time older until classic. In my opinion you can see the message in the film very articulate, because Billy wants to dance but his father think it is a girl sport and so they have a argument.
Great actors and acting, great story, inspirational and true! A bit of a tear jerker in places, but ultimately positive and hopeful because of the strength of family and the human spirit.
I also appreciated a movie that God is a part of, not in a preachy or awkward way, just a part of this family's life.
And no swearing, no sex, no rude innuendos and yet still a great movie.
The surfing really catches the kids interest too, most kids love the idea of living the surfing life. My kids loved the movie.
I found nothing to criticize in this movie. I always love the "true story" and the actual home videos after the credits showed how closely the movie followed the true story.
A wonderful story that leaves you inspired and feeling good!
This movie remains to be one of my favorite movies of all time for several reasons. It's an emotional, gripping, thrilling tale of a Vietnam veteran who comes 'home' to nothing and finds another war on his hands. He gets treated poorly by the local police squad and is forced to act out against them. It was at first shocking to see the way they were treating Rambo, especially because they knew that he had gone through so much from Vietnam. Sylvester Stallone is brilliant and gives Rambo this well known face and personality. In my opinion, he should have been nominated for an Oscar. This movie greatly surpasses the sequels and the most recent release. I highly recommend this film.
『玖』 求!!!灵魂冲浪全部台词!!!!!!!!!!!!急用啊!!!!!!
『拾』 灵魂冲浪的观后感