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发布时间: 2021-02-26 03:02:04

㈠ 暴雪风暴英雄宣传片那个大天使泰瑞跌落人间变成人的视频叫啥。


㈡ 暴雪25周年宣传视频英文听译

The journey began underground
Before the lights, cameras and conventions.
Unlikely assembly of heroes
Forging friendship from pages and pixels
United by a common desire
To shape their own worlds
Unleashing their imaginations
Harnessing their nightmares
All in services of the epic adventure
This is your story
This is our story
Soldiers, scientists,adventurers, ? (这里有个词是某种职业,没学过不知道)
25 years later, the resistant has become a revolution
Each step on our quest brought us closer to this moment, right here right now

画外音不是英语,估计意思是are you ready for starcraft 2
然后的好像在说Behold+ 某个boss名字
炉石那一段:Ladies and gentlemen, ohmy god here’s your world champion
风暴英雄那一段:They are going for thecore. It’s going down.
Wow那一段:--Who is that guy? –He’s one tough badass
漫画那一段:Well play
展会:It has been 17 years, since Blizzard opened the door to a new adventure.

Let’s build the next 25 years together.

㈢ 求这个暴雪动漫预告片片的名字!


㈣ 暴雪公司的宣传片是哪家动画公司做的


㈤ 求风暴英雄开场CG下载,要英文版1080P的,在网易官网只能下载到中文版的,求英文版的下载。

《风暴英雄》CG宣传片 - 暴雪娱乐

㈥ 暴雪英雄大乱斗的CG动画里面 请问这个女孩是谁呀 上照片


㈦ 暴雪公司宣传片插曲

my songs know what you did in the dark。希望被采纳,谢谢

㈧ 暴雪公测风暴英雄的宣传片《enter the nexus》, 背景音乐叫什么谁知道


㈨ 那个暴雪宣传片哦哦哦的bgm是什么

他们说得都对,还有推荐他们的mv i don't care

㈩ 风暴英雄宣传片里扮演诺娃的是谁



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